Monthly Archives: June 2019



By Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                      6/29/2019

There looks to be enough confusion and cowardice to go around in the last two significant denominations in America who had not jumped the rainbow on LGBTQ+ equality. But now both of those denominations have shown their unwillingness to simply preach Christ and leave the pressure from the shifting sands of culture out of their approach to something that God in His Word and recorded history address with zero ambiguity.


The  Southern Baptist had a chance to condemn the top down effort to push LGBTQ+ Thriving in historic  Christian tradition but refused to do so. Instead their Resolutions committee rejected such a grassroots resolution and affirmed one of the Committees own which simply affirmed the anemic Nashville Statement which came from the same hallowed halls of Baptist learning as Revoice itself -Southern Baptist Theological Seminary .



The Presbyterian Church in America met this week with 11 overtures to address or condemn the Revoice movement which also has deep ties to the PCAs Covenant   Theological Seminary and was hosted in a PCA church in 2018 .

The pastor of that host church is Greg Johnson who was given 5 minutes to tell his “story” in the PCAs General Assembly in Dallas .As it turns out Johnson was less tearful and pitiful when he invited everyone to the Revoice Hospitality Suite to celebrate with scotch and pizza as can be seen in the facebook post below the video

At #pcaga? Join Nate Collins, Stephen Moss and I at the Revoice hospitality suite with pizza and scotch. (Best taken consecutively.) Tower suite 8172. 5 – 7:30 pm.

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The PCA is sinking fast and no indicator is more clear than the round of applause Johnson received from the floor of the General Assembly .
A few weeks before Greg Johnson came out as “gay but celibate” in Christianity Today
For decades, I’ve had Christian leaders asking me to please not share my Christian testimony, despite my thorough agreement with the church’s historic teaching on sexuality. Even the language of same-sex attraction—which many believers have found helpful as a way to disassociate themselves from assumptions about being gay—feels to many others like a tool of concealment, as though I were laboring to minimize the ongoing reality of sexual orientations that in practice seldom change.

I’m thankful that a campus minister named Bill loved me. He didn’t try to fix me, control me, or ship me off to a conversion therapy camp. He loved me, welcomed me into his home, sat with me, and invested so many hours in me. He was the first person to suggest I pray about going to seminary.

Jesus hasn’t made me straight. But he covers over my shame. Jesus really loves gay people.”



Read carefully and you will see that Johnson in his CT interview affirms the same position that Revoice, the SBC and PCA are assuming  -which is  that homosexual orientation is real and fixed and does not change – is not changed by the power of Christian faith and conversion. This narrative is totally false and not based on the Word of God and the Good News promise of freedom from sin and new identity in Christ. In short it is a false gospel built on narratives from the APA/ mainstream culture / and seeker – sensitivity gone wild .

The follow up article from Christianity Today to the PCA meetings might be encouraging to untrained eyes and ears but in fact does nothing except to illustrate the circular and unbiblical nature of the entire set of narratives pointing back to the false assumptions of orientation .


“The decisions at this year’s PCA general assembly in Dallas follow months of controversysurrounding Presbyterian leaders’ involvement in Revoice, a conference featuring the voices of same-sex attracted Christians who affirm traditional beliefs around marriage and sexuality. The inaugural conference was hosted at a PCA church in St. Louis last July. Its second gathering was held earlier this month at another venue.

The Nashville Statement, a 14-point document released by the complementarian Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood in 2017, conflicts in part with Revoice’s approach, particularly article 7, which denies that “adopting a homosexual or transgender self-conception is consistent with God’s holy purposes in creation and redemption.” Some participants continue to self-identify as gay or same-sex attracted.

“Most of the Christians I know who describe themselves as ‘gay’ use the word in a similar way that Paul did when he called himself a sinner. They use the word not as a banner or as an identity, but as an honest recognition of their broken state as those affected by original sin,” wrote Christ Presbyterian pastor Scott Sauls, in a 4,700-word blog post urging his denomination against “unnecessary division.”

Many of the 10 PCA overtures addressing sexuality were collapsed into votes on declaring the Nashville Statement “biblically faithful” (passed 803-541) and establishing a study committee on sexuality.

A minority proposal that specifically critiqued Revoice was not approved, and some in attendance tried to rule its scope out of order, since the ministry is not officially affiliated with the PCA and the local presbytery had already investigated and approved the involvement of the host church and its pastor, Greg Johnson.”



It does matter to every person who lives in America – how these last remaining Biblically faithful denominations respond at this juncture – because the church in decline is the greatest indication of a culture and a civilization in even steeper decline – or as Leonard Ravenhill once said it “As the church goes -so goes the world”.

One of the most conservative churches in the PCA is Briarwood Church in Birmingham Alabama . This writer had done apologetics on the topic of LGBTQ+ there for many years in the past . It’s pastor Harry Reeder finally came forth in a statement to provide what some view as a long overdue response from one of the PCA’s leading congregations .

The Briarwood Statement on Biblical Ministry to Those Who Struggle with Homosexuality

It reads in part:

“The objective was in light of the present theological confusion and missed ministry opportunities to provide a discipleship tool whereby the Lord’s people would be equipped and enabled to “contend for the faith” without being contentious and “defend the faith” without being defensive. The desired outcome being a thoughtful and loving communication of the Gospel to those yet ensnared by this sin’s guilt and power, and also to believers who may be dealing with the entangling remnant of the sin of homosexuality from which Christ has redeemed them—some of whom, praise the Lord, are on this specific journey of grace within our own fellowship at Briarwood.”

Being in the heart of conservative Alabama and the Bible Belt – it has been very difficult to watch the efforts of churches like Briarwood and pastors like Reeder and others to go along with the confusion offered by the common narratives like “SSA but celibate” and other “orientation” affirming rhetoric. So many believers and hurting families have looked to them for clarity to hear only more of the confusion and mixed messages.Many congregations and pastors have failed in similar manner.

The simple truth is that it is impossible to be a prophetic voice while in ballet shoes  dancing around the LGBTQ+ issues for a decade when at any point -every pastor and church leadership could  confidently take a stand on the Word of the Lord which has never altered one jot or tittle through the centuries. The VERY hesitation to stand firm a decade ago and to engage the nuanced narratives is proof in itself of the compromise that is setting in like rigor mortis across the SBC and PCA. God’s men do not need nuanced wording and culturally sensitive approaches to abominations .Nor do people bound by sins of the flesh need empty promises and helpless offers of understanding.

WE all need the power of the promises that are “yes and amen” in Christ. Promises like “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Given we are offered the kind of redemption to be made partakers of the divine nature in Christ -how can that promise be reflected in some warped idea of SSA /Celibacy and a life professing Christ but denying His power? How can the herd of professional activist pining after strange flesh paraded through SBC and PCA churches in the last decade reflect the power of God and the truth of the Gospel MORE than the millions of lives totally changed by it? Why would pastors and churches not want these powerfully transformed testimonies instead of those who like Lot’s wife looking back over their shoulders toward a Sodom in flames ?  No this is not the message of the Word of the Lord being preached today – but something else- something worse- something useless and both shameful in it’s dishonesty and shameless in wrapping itself in historic theological conservatism .

There have been many people saved and discipled in Southern Baptist and conservative PCA churches but just as corrupt leadership proved the downfall of Israel and Judah as nations – so the church cannot escape the destiny forewarned for those who depart from righteousness and embrace iniquity . Judgement awaits. The SBC and PCA may have simply slowed down the march to affirmation of LGBTQ+ but they have shown the kind of cowardice and confusion that is certain to seal the deal and their own fate not many moons from now.

SBC/ PCA It was nice knowing you- but now you are only fit for the dung heap of history – unless you can humble yourselves and “repent and strengthen the things that remain that are ready to die.” Revelation 3:2



By Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                                6/23/2019

SBC and PCA grassroots efforts to stem the tide of false LGBT+ Christianity in their denominations are further exposing Evangelical Deep State roots and support of the movement against biblical orthodox standards of sexuality ,identity and gender.


Joe Carter works for Acton Institute .Actons co-founder has a long history of radical gay faith activism. Carter also works for The Gospel Coalition as writer and editor and is the “Communications Director” for the SBCs Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission which is headed by controversial progressive Russell Moore. Carter’s boss at ERLC has had some problems being forthright related to the ERLC  Revoice ties . Moore denied any knowledge of Revoice when questioned in the SBC 2018 Dallas annual meetings even while he defended ERLC Fellow Karen Swallow Prior who endorsed Revoice. ( Note -this writer discussed concerns over Revoice with Russell Moore the day before his denial .) Moore also ignored exposure of a key ERLC consultant Branden Polk who is both a leader and speaker at Revoice as well as his own alma mater and former employer SBTS ties to the Founder of Revoice Nate Collins.


Joe Carter and ERLC Research Fellow Paul D. Miller have involvement with the Revoice “Pre- Conference ” and leadership Council member  Matthew Lee Anderson .Carter’s work with Anderson has a long history while Miller works as a guest writer for just aired an interview with Anderson DURING  Revoice 2019.

Matthew Lee Anderson works in leadership roles of  LGBT / Gay Christian organization  Spiritual Friendship .

Spiritual Friendship: Learning to Desire Love

He also works  with Revoice  Leadership Council with TGC affiliates  Mark Yarhouse and Nate Collins

Joe Carter and ERLC  Research Fellow Paul Miller have several things in common besides their work with Russell Moore. Both are publically outspoken anti- Trump mercenaries writing for a variety of publications.But it is their common bond with Revoice and Spiritual Friendship Leader Matthew Lee Anderson that is most unsettling .

Millers podcast “Awkward Conversations” just hosted Anderson on June 7th .

4: Matthew Lee Anderson on Christian Ethics, Nationalism, and Tattoos

Interview with Matthew Lee Anderson, co-founder of Mere Orthodoxy. We talk about tattoos, among other things. Matthew’s book The End of our Exploring: A Book about Questioning and the Confidence of Faith.


Paul D Miller works at Georgetown University and in the recently aired interviewed with Anderson  jokes about being an “evangelical Jesuit “. Anderson and Miller discussed  Anderson’s work on sexuality ,marriage and gender and  the nuanced talking points on political and cultural engagement. Anderson says he seeks to speak to young Christians  who find their parents “Christian Right”  views abhorrent and problematic . The pair then offer a variety of personal insight into the “needs” of this disenfranchised evangelical subset and on essentially how not to be like typical Christian Conservatives. Anderson wants to help young evangelicals ” question ” their parents Christian Right  views without “doubting  ” their own faith. The consensus appears to be point young evangelicals to the mushy middle so their faith has relevance to the current culture. These are hardly cutting edge discussion points after TGC/ERLC have been using them for years .


Paul D Miller biography from Georgetown website says Miller ” IS a research fellow at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, a member of the advisory board for the Philos Project, and a member of the Texas Lyceum.” And notes that Miller “worked as an intelligence analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency; and served as a military intelligence officer in the U.S. Army.” Today he also works with the Atlantic Council and a variety of global think tanks and publications. No mention of Miller’s religious affiliation is made. Is he Southern Baptist ?

Image result for russell Moore

( photo from )

Why would the ERLC engage a former Intelligence officer turned anti-Trump political pundit as part of Southern Baptist Chief ethics and lobbying arm?


June 5–8, 2019 • St. Louis


ERLC Fellow Paul D. Miller interviewed (or at least chose to air)  Revoice leader Matthew Lee Anderson WHILE the Revoice 2019 event was going on .  SBC / TGC were burying stories exposing Revoice 2019 ties to the SBC . Only PCA related issue stories were in limited outlets. Denny Burk / CBM&W stopped talking Revoice 2019 after his mid March story on CTS President Mark Dalbey who made efforts to distance CTS from Revoice. It seems brazen that an ERLC Research Fellow is interviewing a Revoice /Spiritual Friendship key player while the SBC leaders prepare to refuse to denounce Revoice in the following weeks SBC meetings.

Given the grassroots efforts to condemn Revoice by Southern Baptist pastors like Steve Kern of Oklahoma -and the SBC leaderships denial of Kern’s resolution condemning it , Millers choice of Anderson for the June 7th interview is either a result of poor research or intentional backdoor endorsement .


Miller also included links to the blog  interview on his website . Anderson’s own website /blog is called Mere Orthodoxy where Miller is a guest writer .


Before Joe Carter found his niche coordinating the messaging of the ERLC and TGC with his day time employer /Catholic libertarian think tank Acton Institute – Cater began a blog called “The Evangelical Outpost “. Current Revoice / Spiritual Friendship leader  Matthew Lee Anderson was Joe Carter’s partner as “Senior Editors ”


Senior Editors:

Joe CarterJoe Carter

Joe Carter founded Evangelical Outpost in 2005.  He is the web editor for First Things and an adjunct professor of journalism at Patrick Henry College. A fifteen-year Marine Corps veteran, he previously served as the managing editor for the online magazine Culture11 and The East Texas Tribune. Joe has also served as the Director of Research and Rapid Response for the Mike Huckabee for President campaign and as a director of communications for both the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity and Family Research Council. He is the co-author of How to Argue like Jesus: Learning Persuasion from History’s Greatest Communicaton. Click here to read posts by Joe.

Matthew L. AndersonMatthew Lee Anderson

Matthew Lee  Anderson founded in 2005.  He is currently a financial planner, and has worked as a writer, educator, and editor.  As an advocate of new media, Matthew was influential in organizing the first convention for Christian bloggers.  Matthew contributed a chapter to The New Media Frontier and has been published by The CityHe and his wife of four years live in St. Louis, where they enjoy classical music, reading, and spending time together.


This Thirty Pieces of Silver author coined the phrase Evangelical Deep State in widely published 2017 articles.

During the height of one of the most controversial revelations prior to Revoice  and just as the Revoice movement was organized and  planned – The Deep State articles detailed the little known connections of Acton Institute / TGC/ ERLC and funding behind growing concerns over Social Justice distortions of the Gospel impacting evangelicals. Among those revelations was the key funding and curriculum partnerships and how that funding was being implemented on conservative , many of them TGC affiliated, seminaires  across America . Anderson used his Mere Orthodoxy website to “parody ” the existence of the Deep State and feature longtime friend Joe Carter.


Part One and Two of The Evangelical Deep  State can be read here –

and here-

Deep State Two ;The Evangelical Road to Serfdom “

The cheeky low brow parody of Anderson featuring  his friend Joe Carter can been read here –

This kind of effort mirrors the work of Right Wing Watch and other anti- conservative Christian groups

Anti-LGBTQ Pastor Fears An ‘Evangelical Deep State’ May Be Making The Church More Tolerant


Paul Miller -sample

Joe Carter -sample

Why Evangelicals Are Divided over Trump


Covenant Theological Seminary and Memorial PCA church hosting of Revoice 2018 has made the Revoice movement a front burner issue going into the PCA annual meetings in Dallas this week,

Scott Sauls is a  TGC and ERLC contributor /progressive thought leader and protege’ of TGC co-founder Tim Keller. Sauls endorsed Revoice 2018 openly on its website. As the PCA annual meetings near- Sauls set out to promote a lengthy  justification for Revoice and his own endorsement of it. Sauls opens his discussion with the SBC’s recent handling of the (Revoice related ) issue which was in fact only the affirmation of the Revoice Yarhouse talking points promoted by TGC since 2010 and ERLC since 2013. ( much more to this part of the story is to come)

Scott Sauls

“At the risk of speaking too soon, I thought I would share a few thoughts as my denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America, heads into its annual General Assembly gathering in Dallas (think Southern Baptist Convention, but for Presbyterians).”

“Speaking of the SBC, earlier this month our Baptist friends debated and approved a resolution regarding human sexuality and marriage. This resolution was spawned by an ongoing debate within the SBC that is similar to the one happening currently in the PCA. It’s a big conversation these days, not only for us but for the entire Church in the West.”

Pressing every emotional button and calling for unity – Sauls ends his exhaustingly tedious diatribe with these words…

“So, what if we put the semantics and mortification discussions—which are indeed important discussions that should be had—inside the bigger, weightier context?”

“An easily-lost, and supremely significant reality is that the people we are talking about are denying themselves daily for the sake of Jesus. Like Greg Johnson and Stephen Moss, some of them are foregoing romantic involvement altogether because they love Jesus. In this, they join the company of the apostle Paul and of Jesus. In this, they share a certain fellowship with the angels.”

“We are also talking about people who, like the same-sex attracted Nate Collins and Johanna Finegan, pursue and enter marriage and have children with a person of the opposite sex because they love Jesus.”

“As we have these discussions, let’s also consider how we might celebrate and support these valiant, exemplary, self-denying, obedient souls in their ongoing pursuit of holiness.”

“Along the way, let’s also consider what we might learn from them.”




The SBC refusal to condemn the Revoice movement promoting “LGBT+ thriving in historic Christian tradition ( like the SBC and PCA) speaks volumes . The quiet reality is the SBC refuses to call to question the SBTS and ERLC ties to Revoice .

Now we know those ties that bind are even stronger and go to the very heart of the SBCs ERLC . They also run deep into The Gospel Coalition through it’s Chief editor Joe Carter and Scott Sauls- protege of the TGC co-founder Tim Keller . Little remains to be determined except whether grassroots efforts to expose and expel the activist “LGBT+Christian ” movement from the SBC , PCA and other historically  biblical conservative groups will succeed or fail . Those in the SBC and PCA who understand what is happening in this era of LGBT+ compromise have  a very long road ahead either way .

The inside Deep State effort to revoice/ rethink one of the most the black and white  issues in the Word of God – proves that cultural currents, funding opportunities, and two- faced leadership have combined to form a monumental challenge to people of God, their faith,  their families and their religious freedoms .

Todays ERLC and TGC employ some of the worst of the co-conspirators in this unthinkable campaign the confuse and confound the simple truth that “God made them male and female” .It proves that wisdom from the child-like faith of babes and sucklings no longer resonates in the hearts and minds of some our most self promoting Christian thinkers and leaders. The flavor and standard of the day is nuance – not the plain speech of God’s everlasting Word. SBC and PCA people need more of the Wisdom that comes from above and far less of the coordinated messengers of our in house faith pundits.

Genesis 5:

This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. 


Psalm 8:

1 O Lord, our Lord,
How excellent is Your name in all the earth,
Who have set Your glory above the heavens!

Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have [b]ordained strength,
Because of Your enemies,
That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.







BY Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                                                          6/21/2019

Concerns have been confirmed that the false “social gospel” which virtually destroyed mainline denominations decades ago  is all dressed up in slightly new clothing as “Social Justice” and it is thriving  in SBC/ PCA / TGC affiliated seminaries and institutions. Those concerns have now expanded as the SBC annual meeting in 2019 left no room for doubt that such concerns are WELL FOUNDED and spread into every corner of Baptist life.

(Note from the author -True diversity in the Kingdom of God is easily obtained by the preaching of the Gospel, aggressive prayer , evangelism and discipleship. We cast the net and God brings in all kinds of humanity as a result. I have seen truly ethnic diversity in the church and in the SBC churches. It is never achieved by intentional and questionable tactics like quotas or by the fiendish , Cultural Marxist and altogether worldly and demonic  ideologies like Liberation Theology , Critical Race/ Feminine /Gender / Queer Theories. Our Christian seminaries  are now filled with these doctrines of demons . Enough already. )


Under the headings of “racial reconciliation, preventing abuse of women and children, and ending the cultural war slogans and anti-gay rhetoric, the Southern Baptist Convention has been driving social change and engaging the ideologies and tools of political progressivism to do it. The efforts of social change began in earnest in 2010/ 2011 at the same time a key member of the SBC Executive Committee joined forces with progressives and the Obama Administration to include the SBC, its entities and churches in participation with funding for Urban Renewal, Community Development, church/ ministry based provision of Social Services , FEMA Disaster Relief , Community Based Health Care (part of the Obama era Affordable Health Care Act ) and other programs.

SBC leadership has been engaged for decades in promoting a demographics driven AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in the SBC to “encourage” ethnic and gender minorities into leadership roles. Now the revelations of the SBC 2019 controversial postures toward progressive tools of analysis provide greater insight into the history of SBC leaders willingness to employ such secular and progressive political tactics while presenting them as Great Commission causes and Gospel driven efforts.


The post- SBC annual meetings “water-cooler” topic has been the shocking reality that SBC leadership openly drove (approval as useful analytical tools) progressive political and legal construct “group guilt” called Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality in the Southern Baptist Convention. Just one year ago these realities hid below the surface. Most Baptist would have denied their existence or any notion they would become mainstream in a year’s time. Further -the idea that the SBC would engage or allow CRT /Intersectionality to be approved as uses tools of assessment provides helpful insight into examining in retrospect (in their own words) the SBC long term Affirmative Action Programs for minority / ethnic / gender inclusion in leadership.

SBC leaders are both comfortable and familiar with using such radical ideology .

One of the most effective ways the SBC has driven these conversations forward is through the Resolutions Committee’s handling of Resolutions submitted by the rank and file of the SBC members and messengers.

The actions of the members of the 2019 Resolutions Committee  reflect the affirmative action /inclusion efforts and produced resolutions:

*Supporting “Critical Race Theory” (although he author of the resolution sought to condemn it .   -the authors own words

*Affirming multiple efforts for Women’s Empowerment and Inclusion as well as “addressing abuse “

* Refused to condemn the radical Revoice LGBT+ Thriving Conference with deep ties to SBTS/ ERLC and homosexual orientation

Instead the RC provided their own resolution affirming Same Sex Attraction / fixed Sexual Orientation / Celibate gay people who are Christians pay “Costly Obedience “to follow Christ and the Church should engage “Hospitality “ and welcome the LGBT community especially  those “Struggling with SSA  but who commit to remaining celibate . (This narrative sadly negates the reality of Gospel Transformation of the desire or attraction and the RC refused the Biblical language of “temptation” be used instead of “attraction”


It Should be noted from the information above that SBC President J.D. Greear who lead the 2019 convention meetings and panels has a “Pastor for Community Development “ on his staff and that he was part of the Resolutions Committee (RC).

“Tremayne Manson, associate pastor for community development and outreach, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, N.C”

It is also of note that the RC Chair is a part of SBTS / President Albert Mohler’s efforts to “Remove the Stain of Racism from the SBC” and a panel discussion on the Co-operative Program stage in Dallas 2018 which spoke of Critical Race Theory positively but with little notice from convention goers.

Another member of the RC is Walter Strickland an SEBTS professor (head of the Kingdom Diversity Dept ) whose admission to the New York Times that he teaches radical the Black Liberation Theology of James Cone at SEBTS (President Danny Akin )  has likely led to the removal of the Kingdom Diversity archives and -before that – removal of every mention of the funding behind it .

Greear’s “Pastor of Community Development “ on the Resolutions Committee would be strategic to keeping the issues that help Summit Church stay in the Urban Game of community and economic development . This appointment certainly appears self serving on Greears part. Others presence ensure that an resolutions that make it through the Committee reflect the SBC leadership agenda on race- gender-and LGBT.

Read more on how the Resolutions Committee is working to drive race/ feminism / pro LGBT policy through the 2019 resolutions


SBC Executive Committee has had an aggressive Affirmative Action program since 2011 under the administration of Frank Page as CEO.

In this booklet we see the intentionality of the SBC push for demographic /numbers-based inclusion and diversity.


It should also be noted that Frank Page as head of the Executive Committee had also yoked the SBC with the Obama White House and its revision of the Bush Era Faith Based Partnership Programs enabling SBC churches, ministries, and entities to receive federal grants i.e. taxpayer funds under which guidelines non-discrimination was /is a key component of participation .

“Inaugural Council Members”

Dr. Frank Page
Pastor, Taylors First Baptist Church; President Emeritus, Southern Baptist Convention”


We will primarily focus on the section/ Part One of the Executive Committee plan for increasing diversity in SBC leadership. The other portions recount history and seek to affirm their actions and assess remaining needs for more emphasis on what are clearly demographics driven programs. The entire report is available and is presented in the context of a Biblical narrative but the focus on numbers and outcomes do not lie.

“Copyright © 2018 The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee”

“The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) adopted twelve action steps in 2011 to encourage increased participation of ethnic minority churches and pastors in the overall fabric of Southern Baptist life. That same year, Frank S. Page, president and CEO of the SBC Executive Committee, appointed the first of numerous ethnic advisory councils to assist the Executive Committee and the Convention’s entity leaders to understand and appreciate perspectives ethnic minority churches bring to the Convention’s task of reaching our nation and the nations with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. The chapters in this book set a contemporary context for the Convention’s progress in racial reconciliation, summarize the ethnic advisory councils’ reports, and highlight their recommendations to strengthen the Convention’s effectiveness in reaching people from every race and language group with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The writers inform the larger Southern Baptist family on the state of ethnic work within the SBC, reflecting on the Convention’s past efforts to reach and include ethnic churches and leaders, assessing the present reality of ethnic church participation in Southern Baptist life, identifying what needs to be done to increase effectiveness of reaching people from every ethno-linguistic group with the Gospel, and suggesting specific action steps for prayer, collaboration, and unity for a Great Commission Advance.”


“For many decades, the Southern Baptist Convention has been known as the most culturally diverse evangelical denomination in the United States. This has not happened by chance; for from its inception in 1845, the Southern Baptist Convention expressed a commitment to reach lost souls in America and around the world with the saving message of Jesus Christ. The task of reaching every ethnic/racial group in America with the Gospel has not been easy because, throughout the years, each of these groups has continued to grow, thus continually changing the cultural face of America. For example, between 2000 and 2015, the African-American population expanded by 23 percent; the Hispanic population by 60.3 percent; the Native American population increased by 62 percent; and the Asian American population grew by 76.1 percent.1 From the perspective of percentage population growth, the picture that emerges is that while in 1950 the ethnic/racial groups comprised less than one-fifth of the American population, by 2010 they comprised one-third of the population. By 2050, ethnic/racial groups are projected to comprise more than half of the US population.2 These demographic realities clearly illustrate that the cultural face of America is constantly shifting. This leads to the question, “How is the face of the Southern Baptist Convention changing?” The answer is that in 2017, more than 20 percent of the churches and church-type missions that cooperate with and contribute to the Southern Baptist Convention were predominantly-ethnic/racial congregations. This is supported by the fact that between 2000 and 2015, SBC-related Native American congregations grew by 24 percent; Asian congregations by 52.3 percent; Hispanic congregations by 56.2 percent; African-American congregations by 61.4 percent; and “all other” congregations (including Haitian and multiethnic) grew by 71 percent.3 The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 8 In light of these changing demographics, it is indeed encouraging that in 2015 the Southern Baptist Convention approved a Resolution on Racial Reconciliation that called for Southern Baptists to be more proactive in enlisting participation and representation from ethnic/cultural groups in its boards and entities. We are indebted to Dr. Frank Page, former president of the SBC Executive Committee, for his passion to lay the foundation and carry forward the recommendations adopted by the SBC in 2011, which concluded the Ethnic Study Committee Report. The report called for greater participation of ethnic churches and church leaders at all levels of Southern Baptist life. As a response to this 2011 report, and in an effort to seek greater involvement from the ethnic/racial groups participating in SBC life, the SBC Executive Committee was instrumental in appointing numerous advisory councils representing African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, multi-ethnic, and bi-vocational church leaders. The Executive Committee also appointed a Women’s Advisory Council and a Young Leaders Advisory Council.4 In order to provide leadership and coordination among these groups, I was appointed vice president of convention advancement for the SBC Executive Committee. In turn, I enlisted Paul Kim to serve as Asian relations consultant and Bobby Sena to serve as Hispanic relations consultant in the Office of Convention Advancement. This collective work contains a number of essays written by representatives from many of these advisory councils. The introduction was written by Roger S. (Sing) Oldham, SBC Executive Committee vice president for convention communications and relations, who was instrumental in crafting the Ethnic Study Committee report and worked closely with each advisory council in its work.”


On page 11

Sing Oldham of the Executive Committee recounts the history of efforts dating back between 1961 to 1995. His language is very biblically sounding as were the resulting efforts to plant churches and engage outreach in ethnic regions.

By the time the 2011 report/ effort is launched that language reflects a far more affirmative action narrative of advancing participation of diverse leaders in SBC elected roles. How this has been accomplished is disturbing.

“Steps Toward Partnership “

“Despite these small steps, by 2009 it was apparent that full participation of ethnic minorities in elected and appointed roles in SBC life lagged behind the growth in the number of ethnic congregations and church members that cooperated with the Convention. That year, Korean pastor Paul Kim asked the Convention to study ways to increase participation of ethnic churches and church leaders in the total fabric of Convention life. His motion resulted in a two-year SBC Executive Committee study that called for intentional, measurable steps toward greater inclusion of all Southern Baptists in Convention processes. In 2011, twelve recommendations contained in the report were adopted by the SBC. That same year the first of numerous ethnic minority advisory councils was appointed by Frank Page, elected in 2010 as president and CEO of the SBC Executive Committee. The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 14 Reports of these advisory councils consistently revealed a glaring void in the life of the SBC. Though SBC entity ministries and ministries at state convention and local levels engaged in numerous ministries to people of various racial and ethnic minority groups, these ministries frequently failed to yield full partnership from the targeted groups. A common refrain across the Convention’s ethnic minority churches— and echoed during the councils’ deliberations—was that ethnic minority church leaders want to be viewed as more than a mission field of the SBC (the objects of mission and ministry); they want to be part of the Convention’s mission force, valued and respected for their contributions as equal partners in reaching the peoples of our nation and the world with the Gospel. Southern Baptists of every ethnicity embrace the doctrinal positions espoused by the Convention: personal conversion from sin through faith in Jesus Christ alone; the inerrancy of Scripture; baptism as an external sign of the inner working of God’s grace; regenerate church membership; fidelity to a biblical worldview in matters of ethics and morality; and commitment to the Great Commission—to proclaim the Gospel, making disciples of all the people and peoples of the world (mathēteusate panta ta ethnē, Matthew 28:19). And yet . . . too often these brothers and sisters in Christ feel marginalized from Convention processes. For generations, white Southern Baptists have largely shaped the culture of the Convention. They have made the decisions about how Cooperative Program funds are distributed through state Baptist convention and SBC ministries. They have stood before SBC messengers as the visible leaders of the Convention. They have filled the vast majority of executive and administrative leadership positions. They have promoted the ministries they believe best represent the biblical mandates outlined in Scripture.”

Page 26

“Biblical” case for the effort transitions into the numbers / demographics driven narrative.

“Population Trends Table 1 shows the change in the ethnic and racial makeup of the population during the past fifteen years. White non-Hispanic (also referred to as Anglo) population had modest growth of less than 2 percent. Hispanics experienced the greatest numeric growth (21.3 million persons), while Asians had the fastest rate of growth, 76 percent.”

(Graphs of Table 1 and 2 can be seen on page 27 and 28 of the report linked along with other graphs)

“Further evidence of demographic shifting is found in Table 2. During the 15 years between 2000 and 2015, the Anglo percentage of the US population decreased from 69.1 to 61.6 percent. Each of the other ethnic and racial groups increased its share of the population, led by Hispanics with 17.6 percent in 2015, compared to only 12.5 percent in 2000. Also, the numeric growth of 21.3 million Hispanics accounted for more than half (53.2 percent) of the total growth of 40 million during the period. The growth of 8.1 million Asians resulted in a substantial increase of their proportion of the population, from 3.8 to 5.8 percent. And although the numeric growth of African Americans was also about 8 million, their share of the population remained relatively constant, increasing from 12.3 to 13.3 percent.”

SBC leaders then measure Asian, African American and Hispanic demographics and SBC emphasis  among those ethnic groups .

Disparity between SBC numbers and demographics are causing alarm for SBC leaders

“It is a concern, however, that the increase in African American congregations since 2010 has become stagnant, with a net gain of only 213. Future projections for growth in the African American population are given in the bottom portion of Table 6. For the ratio of population per congregation to reach the levels suggested, a new emphasis on planting and conserving African American congregations is needed. Because African American population growth is less rapid than some minorities, projecting just modest net growth of 686 congregations from 2015 to 2030, 991 from 2030 to 2045, and 1,208 from 2045 to 2060 would result in lowering the ratio to 9,000 by 2060. More robust growth of churches would lower the ratio even more.”


“At the 1995 annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, the Resolutions Committee voted unanimously to present a resolution, “On Racial Reconciliation,” for consideration by the Convention. The Resolutions Committee felt that on the historic occasion of the Southern Baptist Convention’s 150th anniversary, it was appropriate for the Convention to address aspects of its past that needed to be acknowledged. The resolution acknowledged that relations with African Americans had been damaged by the role slavery played in the formation of the SBC, lamenting and repudiating “historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.” It repented of racism past and present, saying, “We apologize to all African Americans for condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime; and we genuinely repent of racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously or unconsciously.” The resolution concluded by committing to pursue “racial reconciliation in all our relationships” for the glory of God.1 Gary Frost, then the second vice president of the Convention, spoke in favor of the resolution, calling on messengers from the churches to lead the reconciliation process based on the unifying power of Christ. After the resolution was overwhelmingly adopted by the messengers, Frost, on behalf of African American Christians, accepted the apology and extended forgiveness. He closed by praying for forgiveness for racism in all forms and thanking God for the grace He extends to all people.2 Nineteen years later, at the 2014 SBC annual meeting, Alan Cross moved that, in light of the resolution’s twentieth anniversary at the 2015 SBC annual meeting, the SBC president assign a task force to assess the progress Southern Baptists have made in racial reconciliation since 1995 and offer recommendations to the 2015 SBC annual meeting regarding “how Southern Baptists, facilitated by the A Demographics Review 37 Convention’s entities and seminaries, may better reach, make disciples, and raise up leadership from and among diverse racial and ethnic groups in North America.” Upon recommendation by the Convention’s Committee on Order of Business, messengers referred the motion to the Executive Committee.3”


“Measuring Reconciliation”

“ The Executive Committee determined that the Alan Cross motion largely paralleled a motion made by Paul Kim at the 2009 SBC annual meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, asking the Executive Committee to examine ways in which ethnic churches and church leaders could be more involved in SBC life and leadership.4 Following a twoyear review, the report, A Review of Ethnic Church and Ethnic Church Leader Participation in SBC Life, was presented to the messengers at the 2011 annual meeting.5 The 2011 report included ten recommendations to the SBC and offered two suggestions to outside groups—ethnic and racial church leaders and the Southern Baptist Pastors’ Conference leadership—about ways to expand intercultural diversity in Convention life (see APPENDIX at the conclusion of this report). The recommendations sought to provide a consistent mechanism for enlisting racial and ethnic church leaders for elected leadership positions in Southern Baptist life, including service on SBC committees and boards; to encourage SBC entities to give special attention to employment and involvement of ethnic church leaders through their ministries; and to increase visibility of diverse Southern Baptists through Convention communications and selection of platform personalities at the SBC’s annual meetings. The recommendations were adopted by the messengers, with the requests forwarded to the groups specified in the report.6”


“In the four years since the adoption of the ten SBC-focused recommendations contained in the SBC-adopted “Directing the Executive Committee to Study Greater SBC Involvement for Ethnic Churches and Leaders,” the following action steps have been taken by various SBC entities, committees, and leaders. • In tandem with the adoption of the Ethnic Study Report in 2011, EC president and CEO Frank S. Page, during his inaugural Executive Committee report, invited leaders of each SBC entity, the cooperating state Baptist convention executive directors, and presidents of more than twenty ethnic fellowships that participate in Southern Baptist life and ministry to join him in signing an “Affirmation of Unity and Cooperation,” pledging trust and cooperation between all ethnicities and races in order to “engage all people groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”45 • The Executive Committee, as part of its annual “data call” from the Southern Baptist Convention entities, has requested a descriptive report of participation of ethnic churches and church leaders in the life and ministry of the respective SBC entity for 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.46 • The Executive Committee amended the SBC President’s Notebook given to each newly-elected president of the Southern Baptist Convention to include a section encouraging the president to give special attention to appointing individuals The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 44 who represent the diversity within the Convention, and particularly ethnic diversity, among his appointees to the various committees under his purview (Committee on Committees, Credentials Committee, Resolutions Committee, and Tellers) and encouraging the president to encourage the selection of annual meeting program personalities by the Committee on Order of Business that represent the ethnic diversity within the Southern Baptist Convention.47 • The SBC president reported the ethnic and racial diversity of appointees he selects for the committees under his purview in 2012, 2013, and 2015, with the descriptive information printed in the respective SBC Daily Bulletins, SBC Annual, or the SBC President’s Page on • The Executive Committee has requested the seven-member SBC Committee on Order of Business (six elected members and the SBC President) to give due consideration to the ethnic identity of program personalities it enlists for each Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting, chronicling each year’s program personalities.49 • In 2011, the Executive Committee amended the nomination form used by the Committee on Nominations to provide a place where a nominee may indicate his or her ethnic identity, should he or she so choose.50 During the 2014 SBC annual meeting, the Executive Committee observed that the nomination form used by the Committee on Committees lacked a place where a nominee may indicate his or her ethnic identity. The Executive Committee has since amended the nomination form used by that committee.51 • The SBC entities continue to give due consideration to the recruitment of students, production of resources, offering of services, and employment of qualified individuals to serve in the various professional staff positions, on seminary faculty, and as appointed missionaries in order to reflect the intercultural diversity within Southern Baptist life as reported in the annual “data call” report contained in the Ministry Reports submitted to the Cooperative Program committee of the Executive Committee each winter and posted online at Reports. The Executive Committee Communications Workgroup has reviewed the intercultural component of the Ministry Reports at its February meeting each year since 2011.52 • The Executive Committee, through its various publications and news outlets, continues to provide news coverage of interest to individuals of all ethnicities and to carry stories that demonstrate the wonderful works the Lord is accomplishing through the vital ministries of Baptists of “every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” A search of Baptist Press and SBC LIFE, using search terms relative to specific ethnic and racial groups or fellowships such as, for example, A Demographics Review 45 NAAF, Chinese churches, Korean churches, Native American, Deaf ministry, messianic, and a myriad of other terms, will yield scores of returns. Historical articles such as those written on the fiftieth anniversary in 2013 of the Birmingham church bombing53 and an historical review of ethnic participation in the Convention at the time Fred Luter was elected SBC president in 201254 are also routinely sprinkled throughout these two news outlets for Southern Baptists.55 • Other Executive Committee-produced publications, such as the Forged by Faith film series, Meet Southern Baptists, and The Southern Baptist Convention: A Closer Look, include images that reflect the diversity of the Convention.56 • In concert with the North American Mission Board, the president of the Executive Committee has appointed four ethnic advisory councils (Hispanic, 2011; African American 2012; Asian American, 2013; and Multi-Ethnic, 2014), requesting reports from each advisory council designed to assist the EC, NAMB, and the other SBC entities in understanding and appreciating the perspectives the various racial and ethnic churches and church leaders bring to the common task of reaching the nation and the world with the Gospel, and to provide information, insight, and counsel to NAMB and EC staff relative to the special needs and concerns of the many ethnic churches and church leaders in the Southern Baptist network of churches.57 The first two have completed their three-year assignments and have submitted their reports to Executive Committee President Frank S. Page. They are posted under the “Ethnic Participation” tab at www. reports/2014/sbcec.asp. • In concert with the six seminaries and Union University, the Executive Committee hosted an Intercultural Educational Summit to further discussions with numerous racial and ethnic leaders about how best to deliver educational opportunities for God-called pastors from non-Anglo Southern Baptist churches.58 • Working in concert, the North American Mission Board and the Executive Committee have hosted the “Many Faces of the SBC” booth in the exhibit hall at the SBC annual meeting in 2012, 2013, 2014, and will again in 2015,59 and has conducted numerous interviews with ethnic church leaders at the Cooperative Program booth in the exhibit area.60 The high visibility of the many faces of the SBC in the exhibit hall and in the SBC annual meeting sessions of the SBC has raised the visibility of ethnic church leaders in Convention life and provided numerous opportunities for networking and ministry throughout the Convention. • The SBC Executive Committee employed its first two non-Anglo professional employees, Diana Chandler, general feature writer/editor,61 and Ken Weathersby, vice president for Convention advancement,62 and has subsequently enlisted its first Hispanic and Asian ministry consultants. The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 46 • As noted above, the Southern Baptist Convention elected its first African American president in 2012, one of only five presidents over the past forty years who was elected by acclamation in two successive years,63 and had a Korean presidential nominee in 2014 who received more than 40 percent of the vote.64 • In response to the killings of unarmed African Americans in 2014, ERLC hosted a Racial Reconciliation Summit in Nashville in late March 2015.65 • In light of the continuing “globalization” of the American population, NAMB hosted a two-day summit in April 2015 of more than twenty Southern Baptist leaders representing numerous ethnic and racial groups to discuss “current outreach efforts” and to “explore how NAMB can effectively help plant churches for diverse populations in cooperation with” the ethnic and racial fellowships that cooperate with the SBC.”


“The hundreds of pages of information referenced in this brief report demonstrate that much has been accomplished over the past twenty years in regard to increased racial and ethnic diversity in the life of the Convention, both in terms of awareness and participation. The data indicate that many potential barriers to participation have been identified and are being systematically addressed. There are also numerous sign-posts indicating a higher degree of inclusion of individuals of every race and tribe and tongue in the total fabric of Convention life. And, clearly the conversation has changed: increased participation of individuals of all ethnic and racial backgrounds is a topic of intense interest and frequent discussion at all levels of Southern Baptist life. We rejoice that individuals of many races and ethnicities are routinely nominated and elected to key leadership roles in state Baptist convention and SBC life. We celebrate the tremendous growth in the number of churches and church members from every kindred and tongue and tribe and nation that we have experienced since 1995. We applaud the numerous proactive steps our SBC ministry entities have taken to enlist qualified individuals of all races and ethnicities for senior staff positions; to serve on faculty; to be appointed as missionaries and church planters; to write, edit, and produce Christian resources; to service the retirement needs of pastors and church staff; to raise awareness of the moral issues confronting our nation; to equip leaders; and to otherwise serve our churches in a variety of ways. A Demographics Review 47 We affirm efforts taken by our ethnic fellowships and advisory councils to promote increased Cooperative Program support in their respective churches, encourage enrollment in all levels of Bible college and seminary training (including Ph.D. programs), challenge church members to respond to God’s call for overseas and domestic missions and church planting, and serve as salt and light in their communities. We humbly acknowledge the appropriateness of having repented of our Convention’s past complicity with the systemic racism that marked our country, rather than having challenged our churches and our country to tear down entrenched social structures of inequality, hostility, and prejudice. We further acknowledge the propriety of clearly stating in our confessional statement that racism is a sin against Almighty God and against our brothers and sisters in Christ. Indeed, we give thanks that, as a network of autonomous churches, we seek to reflect the intercultural diversity that reflects what the gathered church will look like in heaven and should look like on earth as a display of God’s glory. However, the materials referenced in this report also reveal that more can and needs to be done. This is especially true in regard to proportional representation on SBC committees and boards. To that end, the Executive Committee formally and humbly suggests the following action steps be undertaken for at least the next five years so that they become ingrained in our normal way of doing business. 1. That the president of the SBC report the racial and ethnic composition of the committees and group he appoints each year—the Committee on Committees, the Resolutions Committee, the Credentials Committee, and the Tellers— through Baptist Press; that the SBC Executive Committee include this report in the Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, Part 1; and that the SBC Recording Secretary include this report in the proceedings of the Convention when the president announces his appointments. 2. That each state/regional member of the Committee on Committees have a sufficient number of potential nominees to the Committee on Nominations to recommend to the full Committee on Committees so that the Committee on Committees will be able to propose a Committee on Nominations that reflects the racial and ethnic diversity of the Convention; and that the chairman of the Committee on Committees give special attention that, as much as possible, the final report reflects this intercultural diversity. The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 48 3. That each member of the Committee on Nominations solicit a sufficient number of potential nominees for the vacancies on the boards and committees of the Convention for which he or she is responsible so that the full Committee will be able to present to the Convention a list of nominees that builds or sustains equitable racial and ethnic diversity on each SBC board and committee; and that the chairman of the Committee on Nominations give special attention that, as much as possible, the final report reflects this intercultural diversity. 4. That the chairmen of the Committee on Committees and Committee on Nominations report the racial and ethnic composition of the committees and boards they nominate each year (along with other information such as representative church sizes, average CP giving of nominees’ churches, baptism ratios, representative ages, and gender considerations) when their reports are released through Baptist Press; that the SBC Executive Committee include these reports in the Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, Part 2; and that the SBC Recording Secretary include these reports in the proceedings of the Convention when the chairmen move the adoption of their respective reports. 5. That the editors of Baptist Press, SBC LIFE, and the state Baptist publications make use of the information contained in the annual Ministry Reports submitted by the SBC entities to the SBC Executive Committee each February and the entity reports printed in the SBC Book of Reports each June to tell the good news of what God continues to do through the life and ministry of our SBC entities, giving particular attention to the participation of ethnic churches and church leaders in the ministries of the respective entities. 6. That our cooperating state Baptist conventions, local associations, and racial and ethnic fellowships encourage all cooperating Southern Baptist churches to submit an annual church profile for these prevailing reasons: (1) the information contained in the ACP routinely serves as the basis for determining whether a church, regardless of its racial or ethnic identity, fully cooperates with the Convention, and is used by the SBC President, Committee on Committees, and Committee on Nominations to determine if an appointee or a proposed nominee is “qualified” as representing a fully supportive, cooperating church; (2) it is unlikely that someone from churches that fail to submit an ACP will be selected to serve the Convention, with the result that the diversity their church brings to the Convention remains unknown, uncelebrated, and unrepresented; and (3) the information contained in the ACP becomes part of an aggregated total that serves as a report card to ourselves to inform us on how we are doing as a network of churches to impact the lostness across our nation through evangelism, discipleship, missions, church planting, attendance, and stewardship and to spur us to address areas of apparent weakness in these key areas of Christian responsibility. A Demographics Review 49 7. That the Executive Committee, each SBC entity, each cooperating state Baptist convention, and each racial and ethnic fellowship seek to educate all Southern Baptist churches, especially those that do not have a history with the SBC, that Cooperative Program giving serves as the primary means of measuring a church’s support for its state Baptist convention and SBC missions and ministries. While the Convention celebrates the generous support of Southern Baptists as they channel giving to Great Commission causes through their churches, the Convention voted in 2010 to “continue to honor and affirm the Cooperative Program as the most effective means of mobilizing our churches and extending our outreach,” affirming that “designated gifts to special causes are to be given as a supplement to the Cooperative Program and not as a substitute for Cooperative Program giving.” (emphasis supplied) The Executive Committee observes that none of these steps answers the fundamental question about whether reconciliation has occurred in individual Baptists’ lives. Reconciliation is, at its core, a spiritual concept. True reconciliation is a condition of the heart. It is a restoring of right relationships between formerly estranged individuals or groups. It begins with fallen individuals being reconciled with God through Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:18–21; Colossians 1:21–23). When separated from its redemptive roots, racial reconciliation, while laudable, is merely a humanistic achievement; but when grounded in the Gospel, it demonstrates the majesty and goodness of God’s grace. Once an individual has been reconciled with God through Jesus Christ, the indwelling Holy Spirit begins a sanctification process in his/her redeemed spirit, targeting such destructive emotions as prejudice, anger, malice, and bitterness (John 4:9–42; Ephesians 4:30–32), replacing them with divine qualities such as love, joy, longsuffering, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). Such a radical transformation provides the fertile soil for reconciliation between both individuals and groups. In Christ, the “dividing wall of hostility” between brothers and sisters is torn down (Ephesians 2:14). The Lord creates “in Himself one new man from the two” and reconciles “both to God in one body through the cross,” putting the former “hostility to death” (Ephesians 2:15–16). The resultant peace cannot be given by the world (John 14:27). It is a transforming peace that “surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7). The referred motion raised the question about how Southern Baptists, facilitated by the Convention’s entities and seminaries, can “better reach, make disciples, and raise up leadership from and among diverse racial and ethnic groups in North America.” The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 50 Simply stated, the answer is to stay the course that is currently in place and intentionally implement the proactive steps enumerated above. Heightened awareness of the need to be more broadly inclusive leads to greater sensitivity to where we are and where we need to be. Greater sensitivity leads to intentional accountability, both in monitoring specific accomplishments and in celebrating continued progress through routine news reports and day-to-day conversations. We pray God will use and bless this report for His Kingdom purposes. Respectfully submitted, The Executive Committee, June 15, 2015”

Part 2 recounts Ethnic Groups History in the SBC

“• African American — Robert Wilson

  • Asian American — Peter Yanes, Paul Kim, Minh Ha Nguyen
  • Hispanic — Daniel Sanchez and Bob Sena
  • Native American — Gary Hawkins
  • Multi-Ethnic — Lennox Zamore
  • Anglo Church Planting and Ministry — Rodney Webb
  • Bivocational and Smaller Church Ministry — Ray Gilder



“Southern Baptists determined one of the best ways to increase the involvement of women in the SBC was to start a conversation. In January 2016, Frank Page, president and CEO of the SBC Executive Committee, appointed a Women’s Advisory Council to gather information concerning the involvement of women’s ministry leaders and ministry wives in their churches. The task force is comprised of eighteen ladies from fourteen states representing different age groups, stages of life, ethnic backgrounds, and ministry positions. The task force was hosted on three on occasions (January 7–8, 2016, August 11–12, 2016, and March 30–31, 2017) by officers of the Executive Committee of the SBC including: Frank Page, president and CEO of the SBC Executive Committee; Ken Weathersby, vice president for Convention advancement; and Roger S. (Sing) Oldham, vice president for Convention communications and relations. During the meetings, the purposes of the task force were defined:

  • To determine if and how women are involved in the SBC; • To discuss how the SBC can serve women as they minister to other women in and through the local church; and • To recommend a variety of ways for Southern Baptist women to be involved at all levels in Convention life according to biblical guidelines. Rhonda Kelley, president’s wife at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and a leader in women’s ministry, served as chairwoman of the Women’s Ministry Advisory Council and facilitated the discussion of the following: • What ministries, training, and resources are provided at this time for women in the SBC? The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 172 • What evangelistic methods and resources are effective in reaching women with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? • What additional support is needed by the women of the SBC? • What recommendations should be made to the SBC Executive Committee for consideration to increase involvement of women in Southern Baptist life, according to biblical guidelines?”

“Historical Findings”

“The Bible teaches that women are created in God’s image, equal in worth and value, and have unique roles in ministry based on their gender (Genesis 1:26–28, 2:8–25; 1 Corinthians 11:2–16, 12:7–11; 1 Timothy 2:11–15; Titus 2:3–5). Southern Baptists follow a complementarian perspective of gender roles in the local church and across denominational entities. (See Baptist Faith and Message, Article VI on The Church and Article XVIII on The Family for additional information.) Throughout history and in the Southern Baptist Convention, women have played important roles in the local church and denominational life. For more than one hundred years, Southern Baptist women have been involved in mission education through the capable leadership of the Woman’s Missionary Union. This mission organization was begun in 1888 with a three-fold purpose: to learn about missions, to do missions, and to support missions. Southern Baptist churches have organized missions for women in different ways. During the 20th century, women within many local churches recognized the need for more than missions and began to organize a variety of other ministries. At several times in more recent years, SBC leadership has considered how to involve and support women more effectively. In 1992, SBC President Ed Young appointed a task force to consider how the denomination could support women’s ministry. Then, in 1993, the Baptist Sunday School Board (now LifeWay Christian Resources) created Women in the SBC 173 the Women’s Enrichment Ministry to provide resources, leadership, and field services specifically for women’s ministry. In 1996, a research proposal summarized the historical, biblical, philosophical, and ministry perspectives in order to recommend increased involvement and support of women in the SBC. Other entities of the SBC have also appointed staff to specifically serve women of the SBC. Current Findings National – Several entities of the Southern Baptist Convention provide specialists in women’s missions and ministry. • International Mission Board – Global Mission Catalyst, Women, and Non-Traditional Churches. • LifeWay Christian Resources – Women’s Ministry Specialist. • North American Mission Board – Consultant for Pastors’/Ministers’ Wives. • Woman’s Missionary Union – Consultants for myMISSION, Women on Mission, and Adults on Mission. Regional – The six Southern Baptist seminaries are located in different geographic areas of the country to focus on ministry training in their areas. Women are enrolled in all Southern Baptist seminaries for training in ministry. All six Southern Baptist seminaries have programs for student wives and several have academic training for women’s ministry students. • Gateway Seminary of the SBC (Ontario, CA) – • Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO) – • New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA) – • Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC) – • The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY) – • Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX) – State – Most Southern Baptist state conventions have a staff position for women’s missions and ministries and/or ministry wives, often requiring seminary training. Several states have consultants working with specific ethnic groups, such as Hispanic women in Arizona and Texas and Asian women in North Carolina. Associational – Many associations of Southern Baptist churches have lay leaders serving in women’s ministry as mission leaders, and as ministry wives. The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 174 Local Church – An increasing number of Southern Baptist churches have organized women’s ministry and missions programs, each varying according to the local church context.”



Among the Conclusion of the Executive Committee

3 “We must continue to celebrate our ethnic leaders’ participation and to encourage more participation from all the churches in our Convention. The Lord has blessed Southern Baptists to become the largest and most diverse protestant denomination of congregations in the United States. Therefore, we recognize that we can do more together than what we can do alone. We must invite all congregations, whether they are Anglo, Black, ethnic, large, Deaf, small, or bivocational to be on mission for and with Jesus Christ.

4 We must intentionally build relationships with people who are different and value their opinions. Frank Page, president and CEO of the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee, appointed advisory councils to assist him in the work of the Convention. These council members were comprised of leaders from various groups within the Southern Baptist family. It is important for us to consider the recommendations resulting from their efforts and work hard to implement the ideas that they believe will help us to reach more people with the Gospel.

5.We must identify and embrace passing the baton to the next generation to give leadership in making disciples of all the nations. God has raised and is raising young leaders who are committed and who are making disciples in the United States and around the world. We must give them a platform The Many Faces of the Southern Baptist Convention 216 and opportunity to carry out the vision that God has given them. They may have some ideas and strategies that we may not fully identify with or understand, but that is not a reason to prevent them from carrying out the vision and values God has given to them.”


“Though the 2009 SBC annual meeting exposed numerous flash points of acrimony and debate,34 the meeting proved catalytic for a pivotal transition of the Convention. Over the next twenty-four months, the Convention adopted the Great Commission Task Force report authorized at the 2009 meeting (June 2010); adopted sweeping recommendations flowing out of the GCTF report (June 2011); saw changes in presidential leadership at its two missions entities and its Executive Committee (all in 2010); adopted twelve recommendations of a report designed to increase participation of ethnic church leaders in response to a referred motion at the 2009 meeting (June 2011); and reduced the percentage of Cooperative Program funds going to the SBC Executive Committee, shifting the difference to the International Mission Board (June 2011).”

“With so many dramatic changes in such a short time, new SBC Executive Committee (EC) President Frank S. Page set out to “rebuild trust by reducing bureaucracy” in preparation for the 2011 SBC annual meeting.35 He reduced EC staff by 19 percent, cut the EC budget by 14 percent, and presented SBC messengers a Cooperative Program allocation budget that directed “95 percent of Cooperative Program dollars to international missions, North American church planting and evangelism, and seminary education.”36 Page invited the SBC president, the eleven SBC entity presidents, the executive director of Woman’s Missionary Union, executive directors of the forty-two state Baptist conventions that cooperate with the SBC, and leaders of numerous Southern Baptist ethnic and racial fellowships to join him in signing a historic document Synergy, Cooperation, and Autonomy 223 called “Affirmation of Unity and Cooperation.”

“More than sixty Southern Baptist leaders joined him on the platform at the 2011 SBC annual meeting to demonstrate unity among and between these key Southern Baptist leaders.37 Two of the Affirmation’s pledges addressed the fragile nature of cooperative relationships—“We pledge to maintain a relationship of mutual trust, behaving ourselves trustworthily before one another and trusting one another as brothers and sisters indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God (Philippians 4:8; Ephesians 4:20–32; 2 Peter 1:3–8),” and “We pledge to attribute the highest motives to those engaged in local church ministries and those engaged in denominational service in any level of Convention life— motives that originate within hearts truly desiring to serve the Lord Jesus Christ, whom we also serve (1 Samuel 2:3; 1 Corinthians 4:1–5; Matthew 7:1–5).”

“Page has since appointed a Calvinism Advisory Group, whose 2013 report helped calm rising theological tensions,39 four ethnic and racial advisory councils, a mental health advisory group, a smaller church/bivocational ministry advisory council, a women’s advisory council, and a young leaders advisory council, all with the goal of building bridges and rebuilding trust across the Southern Baptist landscape.40”


“ In 1973, Elmer Towns predicted that collaborative ministries of denominations would be replaced by what he called “super-aggressive churches” with no need of a denominational apparatus to accomplish bold Kingdom purposes.54 While there will always be a certain number of strong churches that can do mighty ministries on their own, there is still a place for a network of churches of every size and economic status to impact the world with the Gospel. Despite current challenges of declining evangelistic effectiveness and church membership at the local church level, SBC ministries continue to flourish. At the end of the most recent reporting year, the six SBC seminaries reported more than twenty thousand students enrolled for at least one course through their various degree programs, with a full-time equivalency of 7,976 Southern Baptist students in training for ministry.55 The North American Mission Board (NAMB) reported 926 new church plants, bringing the five-year total of new churches to more than 4,700.56 NAMB reported more than one-half of these new churches have been planted in some of the most culturally-diverse areas of America’s major cities.57 Following a year-long financial reset, the International Mission Board (IMB) reported in November 2016 that its trustees celebrated a balanced budget for the first time in two decades. The mission agency also reported the appointment of fifty new fully funded missionaries, stating its goal to appoint an additional 451 field personnel in 2017 to replace the estimated 350 missionaries who will retire from service or otherwise transition to other ministries. The agency projects a net increase of 3 percent to its overseas missions force.58 The Southern Baptist Convention is not a perfect organization. It has experienced many times of testing and will be tested in the future. Trust will be strained. A group of churches will believe it has a better plan for reaching the nations with the Gospel. Voluntary cooperation will seem a poor investment. Some churches will deviate from their founding orthodoxy. The beauty of denominational synergy is that the long-term vitality and sustainability of the Convention’s ministries, supported by a network of churches, are not dependent on the continued viability of any single church. By pooling their resources to “establish and advance Great Commission work,” the SBC provides an opportunity to “create a synergy in which the impact of the whole can be greater than the sum of the individual parts, giving churches a way collectively to express their convictions and realize their vision.”



It is far more likely that the willingness to engage Affirmative Action / Critical Race Theory / Intersectionality and Feminine / Gender/ Queer theory (see multiple revelations of SBTS ties to these theories and the Revoice conference which the Resolutions Committee refused to condemn) by the leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention is driven by desire for participation than desire for inclusion.

NO accounting is being given to SBC members of the amount of funding / grants / global activist dollars going into SBC entities and institutions. Few Baptist even know it is happening. No one knows where or if it will end.

True to progressive forms- once adopted – the narratives promising equality/ inclusion/ diversity/ non discrimination / choice / and ending bullying and abuse- dilute the eternal TRUTH  and totally blunt command to “forgive as we have been forgiven” . These are lost to the corruption, greed, poor planning, bad partners and politics of the very ideology that espouses care for them.

Like Judas, our leadership have chosen to attempt to provoke the Lord to social action instead of joining in as He is receiving the worship due to Him alone . They have been willing sell out the Master for “thirty pieces of silver”. The Gospel is always proven to be the great casualty as it becomes buried somewhere in the POTTERS FIELD of progressive good intentions like “ ending poverty” or “protecting” minority populations. In a Word the SBC leadership and others in the broader Christian church leadership have failed to recognize and heed the most simple of warnings from the lips of the Savior Himself “You cannot serve God and Mammon “ .

Matthew 6: 24 “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”



By Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                         6/18/2019

Just a week after the SBC 2019 annual event in Birmingham Alabama used the racial past of one of America’s civil rights cities as a backdrop to push Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality – eyes now turn to Orlando for the SBC 2020. Orlando has become a global focal point in the fight for LGBT+ equality after the Pulse nightclub shootings in 2016. Do progressives in the SBC have plans to use the recent years Orlando LGBT+ tragedy as they did  civil rights history in Birmingham?


There is little room for doubt that part of the SBC Orlando meeting will be focused on a consideration of a women as president of the SBC. The Tuesday 2019 convention bulletin actually confirmed as much . But what is just one layer below the surface is the story that was all but buried going into the SBC 2019 meetings. The 2nd annual Revoice LGBT+ Thriving conference was held just the week before the SBC in St Louis. Revoice founder Nate Collins is Southern Baptist and a graduate and former NT instructor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). No stories of Revoice 2019 and its connections to the ERLC/ TGC or SBC  made the news cycles of any mainstream publication despite the fact even deeper ties to Revoice in the mainstream of those organizations surfaced in the lead up to both events .


First Baptist pastor David Uth ( pronounced youth) was elected to serve as President of the SBC 2020 Pastors Conference next year in Orlando .                                    

New president”

“Uth was elected president of next year’s SBC Pastors’ Conference during the Monday afternoon session. The 2020 event will be in Orlando, where Uth has served as pastor of First Baptist Church for 14 years. He was nominated by James Merritt, lead pastor of Cross Pointe Church in the Atlanta area, and was the only nominee for president.

“The David Uth that I know is a great man,” Merritt said, noting that he doesn’t use that designation lightly.

“In Uth’s time at FBC Orlando, he has led his church to grow to a membership of more than 20,000 people and 50 languages, Merritt said. The church leads the Florida Baptist Convention in baptisms, he said, is actively involved in church planting and gives generously through the Cooperative Program.”

“He is universally respected by his peers and loyally devoted to his congregation,” Merritt said. “He loves his Lord, loves his family, loves his church and loves this denomination greatly. He will make a great president of this Pastors’ Conference.”



Pastor Uth was quick to make the Pulse tragedy an FBC issue.

“To that end, First Baptist Church of Orlando and several other churches in Central Florida are planning an evening of prayer for the city. The church’s pastor, David Uth, said it is “time to be a light in our community.”

“Terrorists want us to be scared, to cower, to hide in fear. But our Great God is our fortress, our shield, and our refuge. We will not fear. We are here to pray with all of those hurting, scared, and seeking an end to violence,” Uth said.

“Uth addressed the terror attack in his church’s Sunday services, a statement from the church said. He directed the congregation to Psalm 46, which describes God as “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

“The statement from the church also said the members of the church hurt for the LGBT community.”

The Statement

We condemn this horrible and unjustified act of violence against the Orlando community. We hurt and pray for our friends and neighbors, especially in the LGBT community, and we extend our deepest expressions of sympathy to all the loved ones experiencing grief today.
– David Uth, FBC Orlando

“We know God values and loves all people, as do we at First Baptist Orlando,” Uth said. “We condemn this horrible and unjustified act of violence against the Orlando community. We hurt and pray for our friends and neighbors, especially in the LGBT community, and we extend our deepest expressions of sympathy to all the loved ones experiencing grief today.””First Baptist Orlando has planned its community-wide prayer service for June 14.”


Leading up to the 2018 Revoice Conference many of its leaders made pilgrimage to Pulse for the first year memorial .

Pulse 1-Year Memorial Trip

“Lead Them Home ( the organization of  Revoice leader Bill Henson JR) was privileged to join Orlando’s Pulse Memorial on June 12, 2017. Our team included 15 people from 8 states across America. We delivered 1,000 memorial candles in an evening lighting ceremony. Other mourners joined us in arranging the candles into a stream of “love” accented with a cross. We also gave sympathy cards to the families of all 49 victims.”

“May God continue to comfort the surviving families and friends of Pulse victims.”

“Experience aspects of the 1-year memorial by scrolling through the images and captions below. Our thanks to everyone who gave toward our 1,000 candles as well as those who prayed for our trip.”

Image result for nate collins, bill henson, orlando first baptist church

Revoice and Lead Them Home leaders at Pulse Memorial in Orlando



“ANNOUNCEMENT: Bill Henson, Lead Them Home Founder, will be a presenter at the Revoice Conference in St. Louis, MO”

“A new conference is on the horizon and we could not be more excited! Revoice Conference is being developed by some amazing friends and ministry partners of Lead Them Home, including Nate Collins, the author of All But Invisible, with the mission “to encourage, support, and empower gay, lesbian, and other same-sex-attracted Christians so they can experience the life-giving character of the historic, Christian sexual ethic.



“On Sunday, First Baptist Orlando Pastor David Uth plans to use his pulpit to remind his 19,000-member congregation that even if they do not agree with people’s lifestyle, they should remember that God’s love encompasses all.

“We’re the worst at really, genuinely loving like Jesus,” he said of Baptists, calling it a church failure that gays and lesbians feel unwelcome in its pews. “That we own completely. We apologize.”

This week, the Southern Baptist Convention at its annual meeting passed a resolution rejecting same-sex marriage and transgender bathroom rights, even as it separately condemned the mass shooting in Orlando.”


First Baptist Orlando has welcomed the LGBT+ Community with open arms. One member of the church has confirmed that the Revoice leaders, Collins, Sprinkle, Henson and others have been among those welcomed at FBC Orlando. FBC also has its own LGBT+ focus outreach and resources.

“Exchange Ministries exists to provide inspiration, education, hope and refuge to people seeking to align their sexuality with their identity in Christ. Through this partnership, we aim to educate the church, while also supporting and equipping families and friends of LGBTQ+ loved ones. Exchange Ministries also offers safe, confidential support groups for those whose lives have been touched in some way by homosexuality”

Revoice / Lead Them Home team working with local doctor from FRC Orlando

“A local eye doctor from First Baptist Church allowed us to store our 1,000 memorial candles at his office.” (From the Lead Them Home website.)


“First Baptist Church of Orlando hosted a city wide prayer service in honor of the 49 people killed last Saturday night in Orlando. One speaker distort the gospel. Many believe this service in this church actually affirmed the homosexual lifestyle. Hear one pastor declare that the LGBTQ community was the headstone or cornerstone of the Church”

Lead Them Home has had great “success” in reaching churches with its “Posture Shift ” events in Orlando.

“Lead Them Home wishes to thank our host church, attendees and many partners who referred Orlando leaders our way. It was a genuine honor to step into a place of grief and share a Christ-centered path forward. In closing the event, one of Orlando’s leading evangelical pastors said:”



The SBC media worked VERY HARD to keep the Revoice movement out of the SBC news leading up to The SBC 2019 meetings. The only coverage in any mainstream Christian media was related to the Presbyterian Church in America in relations to ongoing efforts to address the issue in Covenant Theological  Seminary and the Missouri Presbytery at the upcoming General Assembly of the PCA .

The only mention of the Revoice LGBT+ Flourishing movement at the SBC 2019 was in the form of a Resolution by pastor Steve Kern of Oklahoma .


The resolution was denied and the Resolutions Committee drafted their own resolution affirming the SSA / Orientation narrative typical of Revoice, of Sam Allberry and others in the movement. The Rssolutions Committee also affirmed the talking points used by Revoice and Living Out / Allberry of “Costly Obedience ” on the part of SSA sufferers and of “Hospitality ” as the needed response of the church to the LGBT+ Community.

The Committee refused an amendment by Pastor Steve Kern to change the word “attraction ” in their resolution to a Biblical language and response of “temptation”. This would have made the resolution read “Same Sex Temptation” which would be a significant change of both tone and content. Temptation vs the American Psychological Association concept of unchanging sexual orientation is at the very heart of whether the church and the Gospel has anything to offer the ” LGBT+ community ” it is seeking to welcome in. The issue is “will LGBT+ issues regarded as sinful by the Scripture and orthodox churches be given the same offer of Gospel Transformation through repentance and faith as other sins (esp sexual sins), or will LGBT+ be given special status and eventually “LGBT+ Christian identity “affirmed by the SBC? ”


Denny Burk of the CBM&W finally broke the silence in the SBC media and covered the SBC 2019 Resolution Committee effort . He even mentioned the resolution of Pastor Kern in response to the Revoice movement. Burk does not mention the effort to amend the language of the resolution to the Biblical framework of temptation.

“This year, Steve Kern of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma proposed a resolution titled “Answering the ‘Revoice’ Agenda.” While the committee did not move this particular resolution forward, they did decide to speak to the issue. In the committee report, here is their explanation:”

Then Burk goes on to tout the Resolution Committees work and  his own organizations Nashville Statement which he and other SBC leaders intend to be the end all be all on the issue of LGBT+.

Burk on the Committees response

“While the Committee believes that the Southern Baptist Convention messengers are sympathetic to concerns raised by the resolution, the Committee deemed it best not to condemn this specific conference. The Committee chose instead to address the central matter of controversy by presenting a resolution on sexual desire and personal identity that combines biblical wisdom and pastoral sensitivity. See Resolution #5.”

Burk touts the the Nashville Statement

“When messengers consulted Resolution 5, they found a biblically faithful and theologically robust statement dealing with the central questions of the Revoice debate. What they also found was a statement that was heavily influenced by the language of The Nashville Statement, which was released by CBMW in 2017 and which was signed by over 180 evangelical leaders and scholars.”

“This is significant because the founder of Revoice has said that he started Revoice as a response to The Nashville Statement. Because the founder and other Revoice supporters often identify as “gay Christians,” they took particular offense at Article 7 of The Nashville Statement, which says “We deny that adopting a homosexual or transgender self-conception is consistent with God’s holy purposes in creation and redemption.”

“The resolution’s dependence upon Nashville is clear. It is also clear that the SBC just went on record to affirm the exact same perspective that Revoice was founded to oppose. The Resolutions Committee and thousands of SBC messengers spoke loud and clear on this. This was an unambiguous declaration by Southern Baptists. They are not in favor of the theological perspective underwriting Revoice.”


Burk offers that “the SBC will not affirm the theological perspective underwriting Revoice” yet the  premise of the Revoice movement is not based on theology at all. Albert Mohler and Russell Moore in 2014 took the SBC firmly outside the bounds of orthodox theology in the ERLC conference on”The Gospel , Homosexuality, and the Future of Marriage ” where they adopted the concept of sexual orientation and Mohler apologized for all Baptist for “being wrong about it or denying a homosexual orientation exist” .

ERLC to Host National Conference on Homosexuality and the Future of Marriage

They also abandoned ex gay ministries , counseling and even people whose lives and testimonies confirm that salvation and faith through the Gospel altered their orientation toward sin . At this same time Nate Collins of Revoice was teaching New Testament at Mohler’s SBTS and continuing  his work on his doctorate there. Collins and his father- himself an SBTS/ Boyce instructor – were working  with Exodus International as it was being collapsed by its leadership.

Preston Sprinkle confirms that He and other Revoice leaders were working alongside  Denny Burk and Owen Strachan of CBM&W with the Evangelical Theological Society.  In addition -all of those in the SBC who are part of The Gospel Coalition signed up with the Mark Yarhouse narrative in 2010 . Yarhouse has endorsed Revoice, is on its leadership council and even spoke at the 2019 Revoice conference. In 2010 Yarhouse wrote the White Paper for TGC even though his work with churches is not confined to orthodox theological circles . Yarhouse work is primarily with the APAs interfaith efforts to reconcile Sexual Identities with Faith Identities which in fact the VERY thing the SBC resolution is for now asserting that it denies.

Little  wonder the SBC seems to be experiencing mass confusion and suffering theological  bipolar disorder when it comes to LGBT+. They are firmly a part of the very  MOVEMENT they seek to appear to be denying. SBC 2020 looks to be shaping up to play out as the year Beth Moore is presented for consideration as the first women president and the revoicing of Southern Baptist sexual ethic is taken to the next level. All this will be accomplished in the name of stopping abuse in the SBC while abusing the tragic LGBT+ history in Orlando as they abused the civil rights history and SBC messengers in Birmingham Alabama .

Add to this toxic stew – the political narrative and “Never (again ) Trump” movement will be in full swing by the SBC leadership. They are doing the hard sell – but will the people of the SBC – be buying it?  Trumps  packed out meetings tonight ….in Orlando …. announcing his official campaign for reelection likely signal defeat for the SBC progressives all around but don’t expect them to listen.









By Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                       6/14/2019


The author of the original Critical Race Theory/ Intersectionality  resolution condemning CRT  has come forward and exposed that the Committee who reviews the submissions actually altered his resolution to affirm it .

Capstone Report/ Alan Atchison broke this story the day following the SBC Convention .

SBC 2019: Resolutions Committee ‘severely altered’ resolution against identity politics

Alan links to the site of the CRT resolution author .

“Why should my voice be included? Simply put, I am the one who authored the resolution. My name is Stephen Feinstein, a graduate of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, a pastor of Sovereign Way Christian Church in Hesperia, CA, and a Chaplain (MAJ) in the United States Army Reserves. Like many, I am alarmed at the proliferation of toxic, divisive, and satanic rhetoric designed to divide humanity and facilitate constant opposition in our society. Even worse, it has seeped into Bible colleges and some seminaries. I have had parents come to me for advice when their child came home from a conservative Bible college complaining about white privilege. I was present at the Shepherds Conference when my favorite evangelical leaders appeared to be divided on how to handle this issue.”

These links will help provide background

What is Critical Race Theory?

“CRT recognizes that racism is engrained in the fabric and system of the American society. The individual racist need not exist to note that institutional racism is pervasive in the dominant culture. This is the analytical lens that CRT uses in examining existing power structures. CRT identifies that these power structures are based on white privilege and white supremacy, which perpetuates the marginalization of people of color”

“Intersectionality within CRT points to the multidimensionality of oppressions and recognizes that race alone cannot account for disempowerment. “Intersectionality means the examination of race, sex, class, national origin, and sexual orientation, and how their combination plays out in various settings.” This is an important tenet in pointing out that CRT is critical of the many oppressions facing people of color and does not allow for a one–dimensional approach of the complexities of our world.”


Critical Race Theory


“RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, June 11-12, 2019, decry every philosophy or theology, including critical race theory and intersectionality, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, since they divide the people of Christ by defining fundamental identity as something other than our identity in Jesus Christ; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we deny any philosophy or theology that defines individuals primarily by non-transcendental social constructs rather than by the transcendental reality of all humans existing as the Imago Dei; and be it further

RESOLVED, That while we denounce critical race theory and intersectionality, we do not deny that ethnic, gender, cultural, and racial distinctions do in fact exist and are a gift from God that will give Him absolute glory when the entire gamut of human diversity worships Him in perfect unity founded upon our unity in Jesus Christ; and be it further

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptist Churches will seek to paint this eschatological picture in a proleptic manner in our churches in the present by focusing on our unity in Christ and our common humanity as the Imago Dei rather than dividing over the secondary matters than make us different; and be it further

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists Churches and institutions will take a prophetic stand against all forms of biblically-defined injustice, but we will do so in a manner consistent with the biblical worldview rather than unbiblical worldviews; and be it further

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptist institutions need to make progress in rooting out the intentional promulgation of critical race theory and intersectionality in both our churches and institutions; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we earnestly pray, both for those who advocate ideologies meant to divide believers along intersectional lines and those who are thereby deceived, that they may see their error through the light of the Gospel, repent of these anti-Gospel beliefs, and come to know the peace and love of Christ through redeemed fellowship in the Kingdom of God, which is established from every nation, tribe, people, and language.”


“RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, June 11–12, 2019, affirm Scripture as the first, last, and sufficient authority with regard to how the Church seeks to redress social ills, and we reject any conduct, creeds, and religious opinions which contradict Scripture; and be it further

RESOLVED, That critical race theory and intersectionality should only be employed as analytical tools subordinate to Scripture—not as transcendent ideological frameworks; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the gospel of Jesus Christ alone grants the power to change people and society because “he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6); and be it further

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists will carefully analyze how the information gleaned from these tools are employed to address social dynamics; and be it further

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptist churches and institutions repudiate the misuse of insights gained from critical race theory, intersectionality, and any unbiblical ideologies that can emerge from their use when absolutized as a worldview; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we deny any philosophy or theology that fundamentally defines individuals using categories identified as sinful in Scripture rather than the transcendent reality shared by every image bearer and divinely affirmed distinctions; and be it further

RESOLVED, That while we denounce the misuse of critical race theory and intersectionality, we do not deny that ethnic, gender, and cultural distinctions exist and are a gift from God that will give Him absolute glory when all humanity gathers around His throne in worship because of the redemption accomplished by our resurrected Lord; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptist churches seek to exhibit this eschatological promise in our churches in the present by focusing on unity in Christ amid image bearers and rightly celebrate our differences as determined by God in the new creation.”

Many in the SBC do not understand CRT -its origins or the role it plays in left wing political  social change .


Yes this is how they roll now- They also took a condemnation of Revoice by Oklahoma Pastor Steve Kern – rejected it but wrote their own using the presumption of Orientation and the words of Sam Allberry to keep SSA. – Costy Obedience – and pastoral Hospitality narratives alive . This is all leading up to the eventual LGBT Inclusion Auditing of our churches which 9MARKS/ Jonathan Leeman , Garret Kell and Mark Dever have already begun . Pay attention folks- the REsolutions Committee is doing the bidding of TGC and others.


Pastor Steve Kerns Resolution and a petition supporting it were posted on his church website.

Pastor Kern’s Resolution

“A Resolution to be presented to the 2019 SBC, submitted by Dr. Steve Kern, Pastor of Olivet Baptist Church, 1201 NW 10th, Oklahoma City, OK 73106

Whereas the SBC Baptist Faith and Message states our belief that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, immutable word of God, and is the final authority on all doctrine, including the doctrine of sin. P. 18, 1988.

Whereas the Bible in several passages in the Old and New Testament declares the sexual acts and practices of those living in LGBTQ+ lifestyles as sins against God, and are against His natural order and divine intent of sexual conduct.[1] Jesus Himself stated, “…Have you not read, that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, and said, ‘For this cause, a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh?’”[2]

Whereas the objective of the REVOICE [3] LGBTQ+ Christian movement is the queering of the church by convincing church leaders that sexual orientation and sexual minorities are viable identities for Christians. With the belief that orientation and desires for one’s own sex rarely changes, thus does not require repentance or a conversion experience from such orientations to be in right standing with God. Thus, rather than being called to repentance and forgiveness of sin, the orientation should be affirmed and accepted into churches as true born-again believers with the new terminology of sexual minorities. We are reminded in God’s word, “But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they were saying to you, ‘that in the last time there shall be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts (orientations and desires).’ These are the ones who cause divisions, worldly-minded, devoid of the Spirit.” Jude 15-19 (NASV)

Whereas the Bible teaches that God’s grace brings about transformation [4] out of any sinful lifestyle by stating, “Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away; behold new things have come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NASV) and “…knowing this that our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died (in Christ) is freed from sin.” Romans 6:6-7 (NASV)

Whereas there are many historical examples from the time of Jesus Christ all the way down to the present day that give confirmation to the fact that transformation does take place in even the seemingly most hopeless sinners who repent of their sins, put their faith in Jesus Christ, and become born again believers transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into the likeness of Christ. God’s word tells us how this takes place, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” Romans 12:2 (NASV)

Be it Resolved that we Southern Baptist Churches of the SBC are committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ that requires repentance of all sin described in Scripture and is evidenced by a changed life. Thus, we are committed to resisting the “REVOICE” objectives, as well as any other movements, attempting to cause Southern Baptists to compromise the truth and authority of God’s word to embrace “sexual minorities” as legitimate or any form of “LGBTQ+ Christianity”. We are also committed to believe that God’s grace, mercy, and love is available to all who believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and are willing to confess their sins, repent of their sins, and receive forgiveness of their sins, as they choose to receive Jesus Christ into

their lives as their Savior and Lord. Southern Baptist churches are open and welcoming to all those who are seeking a new life that can only be gained through repentance of sin and faith in Jesus Christ to be cleansed of all sin defined in scripture. God’s word says, “The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9 (NASV)”



“RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, June 11–12, 2019, recommend that Christians refrain from describing themselves or embracing a self-identity in ways that suggest affirmation of sinful desires or unbiblical social constructs (Matthew 5:27–30; Galatians 5:19; Ephesians 5:3; 1 Thessalonians 4:3–5); and be it further

RESOLVED, That we call on all Christians who struggle against same-sex attraction to forsake any self-conception or personal identity that is contrary to God’s good and holy purposes in creation and redemption; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we commend the faithful witness of Christians who experience same-sex attraction, who remain chaste out of faithfulness to Christ, and whose costly obedience Jesus promises to reward (Matthew 16:24–26; 19:29); and be it further

RESOLVED, That we affirm that God’s grace provides both pardon and power so that a follower of Jesus Christ can mortify sinful desires and walk in a manner worthy of the gospel (1 Corinthians 10:13; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we call on Southern Baptist churches to call sinners to repentance while ministering, encouraging, fostering hospitality, and extending Christlike love toward those brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attraction.”

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Pastor Steve Kern

Pastor Kern and his team from Oklahoma made an effort to amend the language of the RC version from “Same Sex Attraction ” to a Biblically based and Gospel focused lens of addressing homosexual issues in the SBC .Their effort sought to amend the word “Attraction ” with the Biblical concept of “Temptation ” . The RC rejected the amendment because it felt the word attraction represented how those who struggle with SSA experience it “. The Biblical language did not reflect the feelings .


It is likely the Resolution condemning Revoice Conference was the only threat of further exposure of the Revoice movement that made it past the Baptist Meida Blockade of the story in Baptist press outlets and other mainstream media related to the SBC connections to Revoice .

The  2019 event happened the week before the SBC convention and included Mark Yarhouse in both a leadership role on Revoice council and as  a keynote speaker . Yarhouse is the Christian psychologist whose ideologies and interfaith work with the American Psychological Association support homosexual orientation and the narratives of TGC/ ERLC/ 9MARKS and a host of other organizations that are influencing the SBC on “LGBT+ ” issues . Yarhouse has spoken at many of these organizations events and is a regular feature at SBC seminaries including speaking in the Chapel services . The Resolutions Committee document might as well have been by Sam Allberry or Mark Yarhouse  in spite of the reality that this si the same 3rd base  narrative that has brought on the effort to steal home base for “LGBT+ Christianity” while Baptist and Evangelical are not looking

ERLC also has very close ties to Revoice as one of its fellows endorses  the event and a consultant for Russell Moore /ERLC is a leader in the Revoice Council and a speaker on Intersectionality of Race , Gender  and LGBT+ issues .


Revoice Founder is Nate Collins who spent almost 15 years being trained at Albert Mohler’s Southern Baptist Theological Seminary . Collins was teaching New Testament at SBTS when he began the Revoice LGBT+ Flourishing movement. Albert Mohler has never acknowledged his training of Revoice movement founder Nate Collins and it is clear the Resolutions Committee was not going to allow a condemnation of it to bring attention to any of the above SBC ties to Revoice and “LGBT+ Christianity ”

Southern Baptist need to clean out of seminaries – our committees and our Convention and “Contend for the Faith once delivered  to the Saints”

Jude (NKJV)

Contend for the Faith

Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. For certain men have crept in unnoticed, who long ago were marked out for this condemnation, ungodly men, who turn the grace of our God into lewdness and deny the only Lord [b]God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Old and New Apostates

But I want to remind you, though you once knew this, that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe. And the angels who did not keep their [c]proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day; as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the [d]vengeance of eternal fire.

Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of [e]dignitaries. Yet Michael the archangel, in [f]contending with the devil, when he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not bring against him a reviling accusation, but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” 10 But these speak evil of whatever they do not know; and whatever they know naturally, like brute beasts, in these things they corrupt themselves. 11 Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah.

Apostates Depraved and Doomed

12 These are [g]spots in your love feasts, while they feast with you without fear, serving only themselves. They are clouds without water, carried [h]about by the winds; late autumn trees without fruit, twice dead, pulled up by the roots; 13 raging waves of the sea, foaming up their own shame; wandering stars for whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.

14 Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, 15 to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.”

Apostates Predicted

16 These are grumblers, complainers, walking according to their own lusts; and they mouth great swelling words, flattering people to gain advantage. 17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: 18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. 19 These are [i]sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

Maintain Your Life with God

20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

22 And on some have compassion, [j]making a distinction; 23 but others save [k]with fear, pulling them out of the [l]fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.

Glory to God

24 Now to Him who is able to keep [m]you from stumbling,
And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
25 To [n]God our Savior,
[o]Who alone is wise,
Be glory and majesty,
Dominion and [p]power,
Both now and forever.






by Rev Thomas Littleton

In recent months leading up to Revoice 2019 (which took place this past week) the Southern Baptist media machine was in full swing to KEEP Revoice 2019 out of the news. The efforts of some in the PCA to address and condemn the “LGBT+ Flourishing” conference from 2018 have made recent denominational headlines and been the topic of multiple blogs . But the SBC regulars like Denny Burk and Albert Mohler have had nothing to say about this years event and its SBC ties even though TGC and SBC thought leader on LGBT sexuality and gender  Mark  Yarhouse was a keynote speaker at Revoice 2019.

A series of articles by anti -social justice /Dallas Statement leader Tom Buck served to focus attentions on part of the LGBT+ problem in the SBC by turning the spotlight on Sam Allberry and his UK based ministry  “Living Out”. At issue were some 6 year old articles posted on the Living Out website. Much of the deeper controversy on Allberrys ministry were left out of the discussion. Hardly a peep was being spoken about the current and ongoing controversy of Revoice 2019 and its considerable ties to the ERLC/ TGC/ and Albert Mohler’s SBTS or that SBC/TGC favorite Mark Yarhouse spoke at Revoice 2019.

Image may contain: 1 person, suit

(From the Revoice social media Mark Yarhouse speaking at Revoice 2019 )

The Buck / Allberry skirmish launched a TGC interview between Allberry and 9MARKS editor Jonathan Leeman. Tensions calmed after a contrite Allberry agreed to “audit the Living Out website” . However no mention was made of the Living Out  “LGBTQ+Inclusion Audit ” for churches  or that Leeman’s ( and Mark Dever) own 9MARKS churches began to implement the Living Out training and audit in the Fall of 2018. All was nicely smoothed over and even Tom Buck tweeted out his deep appreciation of his brother Allberry and expressing thankfulness for his ministry. The sad reality in the SBC is that a major pro LGBTQ+ movement is thriving in our midst and those in leadership  are either playing DODGEBALL or SOFTBALL with it. This reality may set in far too late to stop the movement.

So let us take a look at who introduced  Sam Allberry to the people of the SBC and how he became a TGC editor .

(This article is a portion of a chapter in the forthcoming book “Social Injustice” available . You may preorder the book now. Type is the code Thomas for a free audiobook )

The ERLC conference on The Gospel Homosexuality and the Future of Marriage introduced a host of new speakers to the SBC in 2014 all claiming to be
‘same-sex attracted (SSA), but celibate’ Christians. (some professed to be in mixed orientation marriages- homosexual married to a heterosexual––yes dizzying by design). Though not advocating FOR gay marriage or approval of active gays in the church, these
speakers represented a chorus who would begin with the SSA language, and in time,
advocate openly for singles adoption and foster care supported by the church. By 2018,
the SSA talking points would include open attacks on the nuclear family as an “idol” and
brazenly deny that heterosexuality is normal or should be the object of a believer in their future identity.

The “idolatry of family” language comes straight from the halls of Drew University Theological School and feminist theologian, Janet Fishburn. The attack on
the Christian family is driven by political goals seeking the eventual outcome of
weakening and destroying the incubator of Christian conservatism in American culture,
which hinders the advance of progressive causes like the feminist agenda.
Among the herd of SSA speakers introduced at the 2014 ERLC conference was
the soon to be rising star, Sam Allberry––a self-proclaimed SSA gay priest from the
Church of England. The British Parliament had redefined marriage in the UK by a 2013
decision. The Queen had signed gay marriage into law and 2014 witnessed its
implementation. The Church of England, being a state Church where the Bishops have
seats in the House of Lords and the Queen is the head of the Church, required
compliance to and embracement of the law of the land.
The Church of England has very small weekly attendance. By 2017, the number
of actual weekly attendees was below 725,000 out of a population of 67 million.
Numbers continue to decline rapidly, and fears are increasing among church leaders
that forcing gay marriage on the church may cause an even more rapid decline. The
response was to call for a report or study, and the task was assigned to Sir Joseph
Pilling a retired agent of the British Department of Health. The end goal of the effort was
to address the issue of the acceptance of gay marriage in the Church of England. From
the Pilling Report came a recommendation two year facilitated “conversation” (in other
words, a controlled dialogue or dialectic) on the issues of homosexuality and marriage.
This “dialogue” was to be carried on by selected leaders and controlled by the church
and conducted in various locations around the UK. Part of what arose as representing
the “historic, conservative” view of marriage and sexuality was a ministry called Living
Out, which was founded by an assortment of same-sex attracted, gay, Church of
England priests. One of those priests was Sam Allberry.
Operating from the position of fixed sexual orientation, and resourcing the same
psychological community researchers and leaders like Mark Yarhouse and Stanton
Jones, Living Out conducts conferences across the UK using various approaches and
nuanced language. For example, though the front page of the website states halfway
down that they prefer to use the label ‘same-sex attracted’ instead of the phrase ‘gay
Christian,’ the opening paragraph on the site states, “We are a group of Christians who
experience same-sex attraction bringing out into the open the questions and dilemmas
that gay Christians can often face.”
Living Out leaders, including Allberry, have enjoyed massive promotion and
acceptance as the go-to source for issues related to LGBT+ in the Church of England.
This is despite the often self-contradicting and nuanced language which often confuses
readers and listeners. Allberry’s book, “Is God Anti-Gay?” became a hit among
evangelicals leaders on both sides of the Atlantic. Living Out––though left on center by
promoting fixed homosexual orientation, and not historically biblical at all––became the
new “conservative/biblical response to homosexuality and marriage” in the Pilling
Report conversations. To date, the members of Living Out remain publicly opposed to
gay marriage, yet push for narratives of inclusion and ordination in the name of celibacy
or “mixed orientation marriage” adherents by LGBT+ members of the church and clergy.
Allberry and others from Living Out were invited to speak in the 2014 ERLC
conference in the US and soon became very popular with The Gospel Coalition (TGC)
as writers and speakers in TGC conferences. Allberry became an editor on LGBT
related issues for TGC, and writes and speaks for ERLC and Russell Moore––the
advocate for change in the US conversation on LGBT-related topics. Allberry also went
to work for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries as a speaker and writer. These
positions placed Allberry and Living Out at the very heart of the LGBT and marriage
issues, providing “answers” which is actually driven by a politically motivated order of
Parliament in the UK for a State-owned Church of England. This reality, and how it
relates to the church in the US, where the two are separated in order to protect religious
freedoms guaranteed in the US Constitution, has thus far failed to become part of the
serious questions that have arisen as a result of the Living Out advocacy for SSA
Couples living together, singles adoption, and church “hospitality” toward the LGBT+
community, taking several years to come to the full attention of more conservative

By 2019, though, it has come under scrutiny and objections have finally
been raised. Allberry had also been joined on the TGC/ERLC conference circuit by
others like Rosaria Butterfield, who is billed as a pastor’s wife and homeschool mom,
and is also a former lesbian and liberal academic whose specialty is in critical theory
and queer theory and literature informed by Freud, Marx, and Darwin. At present, over a dozen people with a variety of backgrounds and “testimonies” have been employed by
TGC and ERLC to further the SSA—celibate—LGBT narrative in the biblically
conservative US denominations churches, seminaries, and parachurch movements.
The great common uniting factor is the embrace of fixed sexual orientation and the
ever-present influence of Mark Yarhouse, and American Psychological Association
(APA) compliant “Christian psychology.”
A Turning Point for Allberry and Living Out
Allberry, and to a lesser degree, Living Out and others in the SSA narrative, have
enjoyed unfettered access and unquestioned influence in the US churches. The various
Reformed movements and parachurch organizations like TGC and ‘Together For the
Gospel’ (T4G) have shown an insatiable appetite for the SSA talking points and every
nuanced variation and application of them. This changed in spring of 2018.
Allberry, Living Out, and Yarhouse Get Too Close to the Fire
The TGC and ERLC conference on racial relations and the Martin Luther King, Jr
legacy in Memphis TN was the beginning of the end for unquestioned allegiance to
those two organization by many. The accusations of “white privilege” and that “southern
Christians worship Jim Crow as Jesus,” along with efforts to validate the poor theology
of MLK, sent shockwaves through the evangelical community and gave rise to concerns
leading to loud objections and statements of descent like the “Dallas Statement.” Within
days of this controversy came public the knowledge that Sam Allberry and Living Out
were promoting TGC co-founder, Tim Keller, speaking in London on LGBT identity, and
“for their US audience” they promoted the radical “Revoice Conference.” Revoice, to be
held in St Louis, MO in July, was/is openly “promoting LGBT+ thriving in historic
Christian tradition.” Many of the younger TGC LGBT protégé writers and multiple ERLC/
TGC/ PCA members were either promoting and/or speaking at the Revoice event. This
included Living Out partner Wesley Hill, and fellow Keller-progressive PCA leader, Scott
The promotion by Living Out and Allberry of Revoice became even more
disturbing as Revoice rolled out its full line of workshops and speakers. These included
gay Catholic activists and multiple gay campus ministry leaders clearly under the
influence of TGC–Carson–Christ of Campus Initiative–Yarhouse white paper from 2010.
Mark Yarhouse, who openly embraced Revoice 2019 when he became a speaker for
the second year’s event, was behind the scenes promoting and defending the inaugural
event on social media along with Allberry and Living Out. Revoice workshops and
speakers aggressively advocate for LGBT+ Christianity and Queer Christianity while
promoting the “treasures of Queer Literature, Queer Culture, and Queer Theory in the
church and in the New Jerusalem.” These realities, along with Revoice advocacy for the
church to “embrace the LGBT+ community at large” led to an awakening from a six year
SSA conversational stupor to the realization that on the back of nuanced language and
SSA–celibacy, LGBT+ Queer Christianity is now inside the camp of conservative
evangelical Christianity in America, and the players listed in this writing have had key
roles in bringing this reality to pass.
A lessor known fact is that Revoice founder, Nate Collins, is a disciple of TGC,
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), and Southern Baptist leader, Albert
Mohler. Collins spent nearly 15 years as a student, student leader, and later, teacher of
the New Testament at SBTS. ERLC’s Russell Moore is also an Albert Mohler disciple,
having spent over 20 years at SBTS before ascending the ERLC position and seeking
to alter Southern Baptist views on welcoming LGBT. It’s also important to note that
several ERLC council members and contributors openly endorsed Revoice.
Mohler disciples like Denny Burk and Owen Strachan of Council for Biblical
Manhood and Womanhood wrote articles of semi-support through a “wait and see”
attitude toward the event. In actuality, these same circles of men had presented and
discussed these “Revoice”-advocated ideas when presenting academic papers at the
annual Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) events since at least 2013. Mohler made
several attempts at giving the radical event the benefit of the doubt, but never
mentioned the name of his disciple, SBTS Nate Collins, who was still teaching New
Testament at Mohler’s seminary when the Revoice event was founded. Mohler
remained silent about Collins in his multiple public statements and writings until an
August 2nd, 2018 article just after the Revoice July event. In this final critical article,
Collins is named nine times, but his SBTS ties are NEVER mentioned by Mohler.
Revoice is now established as a 501(c)(3), and remains as a movement with ties that go
deep within both the SBC and PCA denominations and their flagship seminaries, SBTS
and CTS.

Revoice 2019 is being given deep cover by the mainstream press with
virtually no coverage of the event at all, in spite of its ever-deepening radical narratives.
Sam Allberry and Living Out, in June meetings with TGC’s Tim Keller, had
introduced a Church LGBT+ Inclusion Audit including the word “Biblical” to assert that
churches needed to be put to the test with a ten point set of statements to be marked by
congregations as “true, false, (or) not sure.” The audit was praised in the June meetings
with Keller by his wife Cathy, who endorsed it and insisted she was making copies and
taking them back to use at Redeemer, the Keller’s NYC based congregation. Living Out
did not go public with the audit in featured media outside the conference until August,
after the Revoice conference was done and controversies were hopefully dying down
related to it.

The audit began to be implemented in the UK almost immediately, and by
September 2018, were being welcomed into three 9MARKS churches in the US. One of
these churches was the high profile Southern Baptist congregation of TGC leader and
9MARKS founder, SBC pastor Mark Dever. The audit at this point called for Christians
in compliant churches to be willing to “share their children with [clearly implied] LGBT
people.” It also called for policing pulpits, private conversations and even thoughts of
congregants for discussions and attitudes deemed inappropriate, and for the hiring of
LGBT staff.
Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend, along with this writer, began to expose
the Living Out / Allberry “Church LGBT Inclusion Audit.” Others in Christian media
followed, exposing the controversial and arrogant ‘putting churches to the test’ audit.
The most controversial “sharing children” statement in number nine of the audit was
changed to read “share family time,” and Mark Dever’s Capitol Hill Baptist SBC church
was removed from the Living Out website. 9MARKS pastor and ERLC Council member
and ‘Dever-protégé,’ Garrett Kell, and his SBC church Del Ray Baptist, continued to be
listed as the host of the LGBT inclusion training and audit implementation. Allberry continued speaking on the topic of sharing children in the fall of 2018, as part of the
ERLC “Cross Shaped Family Conference,” and echoed the controversial talking points
of Revoice by decrying the “idolatry of the nuclear family” by the church. This language
is taken directly from the feminist theologian Janet Fishburn, of Drew University Divinity
School, and her 1991 book by the same title. Little had actually changed except a slight
shuffle on the Living Out website.

The labeling of traditional and Christian biblical views as an idol is a cultural Marxist approach to destroying the foundations of society and taking over the primary institution where values, convictions, and character are shaped.
In the case of the feminist theologian, Fishburn, the political motivations are glaringly
displayed, as well as her advocating for replacing the nuclear family with the
communitarian vision of the church as family, as long as that church is not stuck in
Christian principles from the Victorian era, and resistant to progressive political
movements advocating for the causes of “race, feminist and gay rights.” Sound familiar?
ERLC’s Russell Moore, in his book which provided the theme for the ERLC 2018 Family
Conference, shares the family “replacement” ideology and echoes much of the Fishburn
message and progressive political talking points.
Allberry appeared to be getting some much needed scrutiny in the SBC from
Texas pastor Tom Buck in the spring of 2019. Buck wrote several articles on
controversial topics related to LGBT and SSA-but-celibate “couples” on the Living Out
website. There were several problems with the Buck approach, however. For one, the
articles mentioned in the criticisms had been posted on the Living Out website, as
confirmed by Allberry, for over six years. Why were leaders in the SBC only becoming
concerned about them now? Buck, who is part of the anti-social justice Dallas
Statement, also did not delve into the core of the SSA issues related to their origins in
the APA and Yarhouse. In fact, at least one of the articles from the Living Out website
cited Mark Yarhouse (who will be a keynote speaker at Revoice 2019) and his research
with Stanton Jones of Wheaton as a primary source. The issue of “orientation” was left
to continue to dislodge the Christian community from the LGBT “conversation” from
being anchored soundly in and confined to biblical context. Mohler, Keller, Moore and
TGC remain successful in keeping the view that LGBT+ orientation is fixed and is a
viable Christian view.
The controversial Living Out articles in question in the Tom Buck writings were
taken down. Buck had a nice conversation with a “humble” Allberry, and in a social
media post, declared him a valued brother in Christ. The importance of this compromise
was Buck’s role in The Dallas Statement, one of the most public efforts thus far
opposing the Social Justice movement.
In the midst of the Allberry “controversy,” and while Revoice 2019 was coming
public with its event details with virtually zero mention, TGC and 9MARKS Jonathan
Leeman interviewed Sam Allberry at Midwestern Seminary during the TGC 2019 mini
conference. Both men are editors––Leeman for 9MARKS, and Allberry for TGC. Both
work with ERLC and Russell Moore, and both are very skilled wordsmiths. In this
interview, Allberry shifts from the use of the term “orientation,” saying “it is no longer
working for us now.” He and Leeman then retreat to the biblical term “temptation” when
framing the conversation on SSA and homosexuality among professing Christians.
The effort to further explain the articles on the Living Out website and the Tom
Buck criticism is used to advance what is to be taken as a spontaneous conversation
where Allberry shows contrition, agrees to “audit the Living Out website” and offers up
humility while explaining his positions. Even as this effort to rehabilitate their image is
taking place, Allberry is able to find himself in even more controversial comments after
asserting once again that his homosexual desire is not in itself sinful, and that replacing
it with heterosexual desire and “lust” is not his goal, nor that of the gospel. Allberry is
asserting that the SSA desires in the hearts of himself and others (which even identify
them and their faith) do not  hinder their pursuit of holiness. This assertion and
the attack on heterosexuality as normal are totally in the face of Jesus’ own warnings
against “looking to lust,” Matthew 5:28, and in James’ clear warning that the desire of
the heart is the seedbed for sin and death, James 1:12-15. The irony is that Leeman
and Allberry, for the moment, abandon the APA/Yarhouse “homosexual orientation”
framework, and use the biblical term ‘temptation,’ while in the very same discussion fail
to recognize or acknowledge the truth about temptation and the desire (in this case SSA
desire) which James addresses.

It should be noted also that both Revoice and Living Out Allberry are presently attempting to give historic context and validation to their LGBT+ Christianity narrative by tagging onto the legacy of John Stott. Stott is a favorite of TGC when promoting their social justice narrative, and is one of Tim Keller’s mentors.
Some have even dubbed Keller the ‘new Stott.’ Much of the SSA language, again, as
noted, was launched in the 2010 Lausanne South Africa meetings, where Keller was the
featured speaker.
It should also be noted that at the SBC annual meetings in Dallas, Texas, and
several other such Leeman and Allberry conversations, that we also find Leeman and
his boss, TGC leader Mark Dever, discussing Leeman’s new book advocating “third
way” politics. In the interview, these Baptist leaders are attempting to nuance language
over Christian opposition to abortion relating to Christian voting habits. Jonathan
Leeman is a graduate of the London School of Economics, which was founded by a
Fabian socialist, and is an epicenter of global progressivism. Dever revealed this fact in
the SBC interview, while Leeman’s 9MARKS bio makes no mention of it. Leeman does
mention that he served in DC as an editor for a global economics magazine, but refuses
to name the publication when asked multiple times. These public discussions are given
the appearance of men thinking through complex topics in public view. They are meant
to appear spontaneous and contemplative, when in fact, far more background should be
considered before taking any such conversations about Christians’ political convictions,
voting habits, or views on LGBT+ at face value. We must ask, “who are these people,
and what goals are they actually pursuing?”
The Unseen Layer Behind the LGBT+ Christian Conversation: Money – Money –
Money – Money – M – O – N – E – Y
In 2014, a secular political activist organization or “LGBT equality”–the Human
Rights Campaign (HRC)–launched the faith focused, “Project One America,” (POA). The
“project” focused on three southern states: Mississippi, Arkansas and Alabama. Though
part of a larger broad “faith” focus, POA mainly directed their attention on evangelical
denominations that do not affirm homosexuality and equality. Funding came for this
project from an unannounced source, but totaled over 8.5 million dollars. In April, 2014,
HRC brought this project to Birmingham and the state of Alabama. In this same effort,
HRC organized and opened their politically focused operations with the Alabama State
HRC chapter. Southern Baptist, PCA, and other conservative churches of note were
targeted for infiltration, being “put to the test” for inclusion. HRC then went from these
faith efforts with guaranteed meetings with ERLC and conservative Christian leadership,
to the fall of that year being welcomed into the ERLC/Russell Moore conference spoken
about previously. By 2017, HRC boasted that this Project One America budget for 2018
alone was over $26 million for one year. How much of that funding went into
cooperating entities and individual efforts by hands inside evangelicalism is not known.




By Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                     5/31/2019

The ERLC of Russell Moore has been a constant source of tireless activism to redefine what it means to be Southern Baptist and Christian . Along with Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) of Albert  Mohler and their broader joint efforts as part of The Gospel Coalition these men and their entities have firebombed the SBC with a relentless napalm of victims/narratives to engender  inner conflict with it’s racial history, treatment of gays and women and it’s multitude of asserted gospel witness lapses in voting pro family and supporting President Donald Trump. However the constant role playing dressup to dress down and conflict Baptist souls  has left these two men and others in their loop in a good ole fashion Southern quandray. How do they satisfy the need for addressing abuse and promoting women’s empowerment while embracing and promoting racial division in the name of MLK’s legacy as further revelations of his abuses unfold?

Can Moore address the needs of abused women in the SBC while promoting the legacy of an FBI alleged abuser? Can Mohler “Rid the SBC and SBTS of the Stain of Racism” and defend them against his protege’ Russell Moore’s egalitarian movement  while the needs of racial minorities and gender minorities collide? Whose justice now prevails?



At the moment the focus of  Moore is to provide an answer to the sexual abuse and cover up scandals exposed by the Houston Chronicle. His answer appears to be more Beth Moore in the SBC.

“The American church is facing an abuse crisis. Is your church doing all it can to be safe for survivors and safe from abuse? Churches should be a refuge for those who have experienced abuse. But, too often, survivors haven’t found the protection they deserve and the care they need from the church. Are you ready to join us in changing that?”

Meanwhile while Mohler appears to play the conservative mourning the assault on the SBCs historic views on women in ministry.

“We have reached a critical moment in the Southern Baptist Convention when there are now open calls to retreat from our biblical convictions on complementarianism and embrace the very error that the SBC repudiated over 30 years ago. Honestly, I never thought I would see this day.”


The Martin Luther King legacy is valued by millions around the world for what it has come to represent in the movement for racial equality. However MLK himself is a controversial figure and he was not a Southern Baptist or orthodox conservative Christian theologically. For this reason his legacy is problematic for TGC and SBC leaders  basing a theologically driven social action movement on it . Nevertheless that is exactly what happened last April .

In April 2018 the MLK / 50 conference took the “racial reconciliation” efforts a bridge too far as the ERLC and TGC co-sponsored Conference accused all whites of “privilege ” and institutionalized  racism in their faith . Russell Moore brazenly declared and accused white Southern Baptists of “Worshipping Jim Crow as Jesus ” and Mark Dever’s long time staffer/ TGC spokesperson Thabiti Anyabwile demanded that white Christians are “complicit with the death of King.”


In June 2019 The Southern Baptist Convention annual meetings are scheduled to be held amid the racially charged history of Birmingham Alabama. The likelihood of a critical theory palooza looms large over the coming event .

(Writers NOTE :Living in Birmingham and having grown up in the city during the 1960s, the great racial progress of our city has been extraordinary and much of it has been driven by Christian love and Gospel truth without the aid and often in spite of white preachers with glaringly obvious intentions to grandstand. The real progress of a new generation growing up beyond racial conflict and mostly ignoring national movements like BLM to go on about their daily lives – is all but ignored. Will the SBC and Russell Moore/ Albert Mohler come to our city and use racial division to its/ their own political gain and then leave -on to the next stop on the tour ? We will know in less than two weeks .)


The 2018 embrace of the MLK legacy by these SBC leaders was problematic on many fronts. Laced with critical race theory and accusation, it was certainly not driven by a spirit of Christian unity but instead by division and talk of reparations which continue more than a year later .

Those problems include :

MLK was not a conservative minister theologically. He doubted the Divinity of Jesus, the virgin birth, substitutionary atonement, and the second coming. Social action was equated as the Gospel . In 2014 this history was actually pointed out by The Gospel Coalition in an article by Joe Carter . But by 2018 it was completely ignored in the TGC/ERLC conference held in Memphis  accusing white Christianity of institutionalized racism. For Moore/Mohler or TGC to claim adherence to and to represent leadership of orthodox Biblical Theology while marketing such contradiction is laughable but for the seriousness of the damage it inflicts.

One of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference cofounder with King was Bayard Rustin a homosexual Marxist who helped organize some of the key events of the Civil Rights Movement. Rustin was quietly folded out of leadership in the SCLC and became an advocate of gay rights . In the 1990 Rustin declared (in more raw street language) that Gay is the New Black . MLK biographies like the Oprah produced film “Selma” feature a Rustin character but do not name him in efforts to honor his role without raising controversy.

Close friend and co-founder of the SCLC with MLK Ralph Abernathy in 1989 published his biography “When the Walls Came Tumbling Down ” . In it Abernathy  revealed King’s marital infidelity, stating that King had sexual relations with two women on the night of April 3, 1968 after his “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech earlier that day. Talk of the details of MLK’s infidelity have continued through the years as the contents of now leaked FBI reports are discuss in detail by biographer David Garrow.

Now the conflicts over SBC /TGC /ERLC – MLK/50 movement have grown .

AJC reports that

“Martin Luther King Jr. allegedly had sexual relations with at least 40 women, from prostitutes to people within his inner circle, according to explosive new research published Thursday by David J. Garrow, one of the civil rights leader’s foremost biographers.”

“The most shocking allegation, culled from decades-old FBI files, details a 1964 incident in which King reportedly “looked on, laughed and offered advice” to a fellow preacher who was raping a woman in a hotel room.”

“Garrow recounts other allegations from formerly sealed FBI documents – including that King fathered a love child and participated in an orgy with a female gospel legend — in an eight-page essay he wrote for Standpoint, a British cultural and political magazine.”


Writer Laura Hollis addresses the conflict between the cause of #MeToo movement and the MLK legacy.

“So, what happens now?”

“According to Pulitzer Prize-winning historian David Garrow, FBI surveillance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the late 1950s and early 1960s (the records of which were just released) produced evidence that Dr. King had dozens of extramarital affairs, participated in sex orgies, hired prostitutes, used the most vulgar language to describe his conduct with women and even laughingly looked on while an associate allegedly raped a woman in a hotel room.”

“Will the civil rights icon be subject to the same standard that is now being applied to other towering historical figures?

“In this era of #MeToo and “Trust Women,” what would the reaction be if a group of feminist activists were to arrange a protest around the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington, D.C., take sledgehammers and other blunt instruments to the statue of the man there, deface it with spray-painted sayings and hire a crane to knock it over? What would the public reaction be if local police and the National Park Service personnel were ordered to “stand down” and allow that to happen? Would pundits, gender and race scholars and Hollywood tweeters jump to the protesters’ defense? Would we hear calls for all streets and schools and parks named for Dr. King to be renamed?”

“I don’t think so. (And I would hope not.) But the deafening silence since the sordid revelations – unverified though some of them are – says plenty about the public discomfort when our heroes are revealed to be deeply flawed individuals. What does it do to their legacy? What standards are we holding public figures to now?”


The ERLC ” Caring Well Conference” will not only feature Russell and Beth Moore but also includes the co-founder of the International Justice Mission  Gary Haugen. His controversial work and most recent book are endorsed by none other than famed abuser of women ,former President Bill Clinton .

“Throughout my life I’ve seen firsthand that while talent, ambition, and hard work are distributed equally among all people around the world, many face challenges each day simply surviving. The Locust Effect is a compelling reminder that if we are to create a 21st Century of shared prosperity, we cannot turn a blind eye to the violence that threatens our common humanity.”


Former U.S. President

It seems that Moore and Mohler are either blind to such contradictions and the hypocrisy betrayed by them or they expect Christians to be ignorant enough not to notice.


Beth Moore is struggling to find her way in the egalitarian vs complementarian SBC stand off . She retracted a tweet espousing an egalitarian view as being more part of the historic SBC view of women in ministry citing the former SBTS head Roy Honeycutt who Albert Mohler replaced as part of the “Conservative Resurgence” in the Southern Baptist.

Beth Moore seems lost in the Twitter fray and unaware that she and her work with Russell Moore and the ERLC are caught in the ” SBC Minutia” and hair splitting over the creation of a Hindu new age “Manusha” icon of Beth for “Natyashastra Theatrics and Dramaturgy” in the SBC. Beth Moore going full on egalitarian as she tweets beyond her SBC handlers controls is proving very problematic for her and for Moore and Mohler.

The twitter apology

Replying to 

Al, contra , I was not promoting Roy Honeycutt nor was I aligning myself with him. I know very little about him. I was making the point in a Twitter conversation that Southern Baptists have historically held differing views regarding women & ministry. I am not the enemy.

(NOTE – Women and children are most protected from abuse when Leaders are living out Christian /biblical principle and ethics at every level of life from family/ church / marketplace / and denominational leadership . The issues of abuse are addressed by accountability and godly obedience to Scripture. Political activism and posturing and advocating for egalitarian feminist driven progressive policy such as are currently taking place and illustrated in the this report are useless to prevent or address abuse of any kind . Those who think to do so while embracing the endorsements, funding and legacies of abusers or hiding the abuses of fellow leaders have no moral ground from which to speak to the concerns.)


Image result for albert mohler acton university

 However Russell Moore and Albert Mohler continue to play off each other in public as their plans unfold -the reality they face is that driving your goals with third party wildcards like feminista champion Beth Moore or gays like Sam Allberry or Nate Collins (both activist for gay rights in the SBC) is challenging at best. Tagging the legacy of a civil rights icon with swirling abuse controversies and very different theological foundations than your own is especially problematic when your movements carefully crafted public image is one of theological orthodoxy. Moore and Mohler  often appear to be wanting it both ways – to be standard bearers of conservative Christianity while being agents of change -departing from orthodoxy and into the “brave commons” at the intersection of social justice for women, minorities , LGBT, immigrants (especially Muslim refugees) victims of poverty , trafficking , and persecution -all under the heading of ” a Gospel issue”.

Perhaps what has really changed is very little except that the real agents of it are forced into the open by glaring contradictions of their own making. It is possible the words of the ERLC quest speaker from the International Justice Mission with a reported $52 million dollar a year budget declares the social gospel engagement of Moore and Mohler far better than they do themselves. He,unlike these “conservative “SBC agents has less to hide when it comes to social justice.

“Gary Haugen is an engaged Christian. He is a member of the Anglican Church in North America, and spoke at their General Convention in 2014. Since founding International Justice Mission in 1997, he has described witnessing a “sea change” within the “Christian community that was [once] largely disengaged from the struggle for justice in the world,” but now views care for victims of injustice as a significant issue in faith”.

(NOTE -IJM has drawn criticism of its own through the years. )

Haguen is a good fit for Moore’s ERLC but like Moore himself is a questionable fit for Southern Baptists. But with Tim Keller and both Bill and Hillary Clinton’s endorsement and the money of Google, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Faith Based Partnership funding behind the Justice efforts -he looks to fit right in with where Albert Mohler and Russell Moore seem determined to take the Southern Baptist Convention – whether Baptists like it or not.

The age old social gospel is the new replacement for the Great Commission in the SBC. Contradictions and Hypocrisy be darned – being a Christian in the Brave New World is about following the self appointed thought leaders telling you what your conscience should be dictating. They intend to tell you where you should invest your life, money, calling and family in the cause for justice. And are shameless in affirming themselves and their companions WORTHY  as the arbiters of the future of your faith.


Will the firebombing of “white guilt ” and critical race/ gender /queer/ victim theory ever cease? Will  Moore and Mohler rediscover the True calling of the church? Can Southern Baptists ever emerge from the bunkers of their private faith and enter the public square and engage the marketplace with true Gospel mission void of false “justice” laced with the poison of progressive Cultural Marxism ?Or will Southern Baptists  have to simply abandon the SBC to the whims and wiles of agents of change driven by questionable allies and even more questionable funding and set on dismantling and redefining the faith of generations of believers for their own benefit?

Never mind the “The Priesthood of (every)  Believer “

Perhaps Baptists and others under TGC influence should read again – and discover who alone is Worthy to lead the souls of HIS saints and be reminded of the true Great Commission.

Revelation 1

John, to the seven churches which are in Asia:

Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth.

To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him, even they who pierced Him. And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. Even so, Amen.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

Revelation 5

Worthy Is the Lamb

“8 Now when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll,
And to open its seals;
For You were slain,
And have redeemed us to God by Your blood
Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation,
10 And have made [d]us kings[e] and priests to our God;
And [f]we shall reign on the earth.”