Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                                     7/26/2019

This article contains more of  the LONG history of efforts by the pastoral staff a major TGC church in Birmingham Alabama to oppose ministry informing its people (and the church at large) of the deep infiltration of the LGBTQ+ movement into conservative churches.


The first revelation that a major TGC church is targeting this writer’s wife can be read in the link below. The additional- long history of attacks on this writer, mostly covert /ongoing / and behind his back – continued even when confronted and made FULLY known to this TGC Pastor and  senior staff. Four years and counting of appeals to Matt 18 and to disciplinary /pastoral responses have been COMPLETELY IGNORED as the ongoing efforts continue and now have resorted to efforts to entrap Littleton’s wife


More details of the history with this church seeking to undermine this writer’s work are detailed below. Due to ongoing efforts to PRESS for a pastoral response and for the Session and the Board of the ministry involved in it’s directors coordination of attacks on Littleton and his wife – the names of the the church and the leaders of it and not being provided until those efforts are exhausted .

THESE warnings of corruption after the targeting of women in ministry service including Littleton’s wife are to prevent any  further families being successfully targeted as their prey . The Gospel Coalition is destroying churches at an alarming rate .

Take heed to yourselves and your family.

This article is not an attack on THAT CHURCH involved ,  it’s pastor WHO HAS IGNORED these concerns for almost three weeks (an previous concerns for years) nor on it’s Session of Elders. It is however a sad accounting of The Gospel Coalitions impact on a once solid church and an accounting of years of history of “behind the scenes” struggle against the current oppressive and often unethical efforts of some this TGC churches leaders to hinder informing the Body of Christ.

These  revelations have not been spoken about by this writer until now.

These efforts include:

*Expulsion (mid conference ) from Apologetics ministries for an article published in Barbwire.com warning of Tim Keller errors and LGBTQ compromise impacting the churches.(Since this time Keller has becoming far more obvious in he and his ministries  promotion of the Living Out LGBTQ church inclusion audit and other disturbing compromises.

*The Leader of one of the Apologetics ministries who hosted Littletons meetings was summons to the TGC church offices and examined and his ministry support threatened by the TGC Pastor . The TGC pastor has NEVER met or talked to Littleton then or now.

*Littleton presented over 3 years of apologetics on LGBTQ+ in the TGC Church which were posted on the TGC Church website archives. The TGC removed all of Littleton’s presentations from it’s website after his article exposing Tim Keller compromise on LGBTQ+

*Ongoing efforts by this TGC church to prevent open doors of ministry in other churches/ministries .

*Partnering efforts continued by the TGC church and a ministry to students whose lead staffer ( this is a Board run ministry on the church campus ) AFTER he ignored warnings of corruption. The staffer continues to seek to entangle the student ministry  with another ministry and it’s leader who Littleton had exposed years before for compromise grant funding, and shady financial dealings on that churches building project. That  church (also a TGC church) had launched a now-failed “community development” effort with government funding and a massively overpriced ($430.per square foot vs $150 normal cost) building project. Current efforts to partner with this problematic ministry surfaced again just weeks before Littleton’s wife began to be targeted .

*Pastoral staff  ignoring -proven and admitted deception in curriculum materials for students of these ministries .

*Response to warnings of deception by the TGC church ministry leader was “If they (the students) do not know the deception is there then they will not be harmed by it”.

(yes you read that right and the foolish statement was repeated without shame )

*****This ministry leader at the TGC church is the same person who has been  leading the most recent attack on and targeting of this writer’s wife.

*Warnings were ignored and rebuffed concerning  “Community Development”  models which include partnerships with the County Indigent Health Care Initiative and place the mission of The church and it’s ministries AND the students who are solicited and encouraged to participate in them -at risk . These warnings also included proof that Community Development models in Healthcare are designed to force LGBTQ+ policy compliance, endanger religious freedoms and compete with private practice  in Health Care . Such models also legally prohibit Gospel ministry in these “partnership”  programs.

*Backlash  for 3 1/2 years over The TGC church ongoing efforts to introduce and maintain extremely compromised messaging to teens on LGBTQ+ through the  Biola University affiliated Apologetics Conferences in the church -and also hosted for other regional churches. Biola’s affiliated Apologetics on LGBTQ+ are  built on Mark Yarhouse “Gay Christianity ” and APA ideas of homsexual orietation and inclusion . the ROOTS are the VERY SAME as the Revoice LGBTQ+ Thriving Conference in a PCA church in 2018 . The TGC church has currently hosted  this Biola Apologetics conference  against all warnings  for three years and counting . In Spring of 2019 the TGC Pastor interviewed Biola affiliated  ministries – resident LGBTQ+ “expert” Alan Shlemon and affirmed that his theology was very problematic (  exact quote “Horrible” ) and the Conference ( a lighter version of the radical Revoice LGBTQ+ movement in the PCA and SBC) approach was not Biblical. Still the Pastor remained committed to the third year of hosting the event for his and other area churches  teens. It is not known if a fourth year is planned for 2020.

NOTE :The men who have been solicited to participate in the targeting of Littletons wife who have teenage children – have no clue that this compromise Biola Apologetics movement with the same roots at Revoice or that their own pastoral staff have allowed their children to be targeted IN their own church by this false message.This is even after the TGC church pastor identified and pronounced the problems with the Biola affiliated Apologetics.

Instead much of his and his staff’s efforts have been invested in targeting Littleton instead of protecting the teens in their own church.

*The TGC church and staff sought to prevent and detract from God’s Voice Conference , a Biblical response to Revoice and retaliated against it, Littleton and others in the conference including Radio Host Janet Mefferd.


*The latest and subject of this article is- the TGC church staff and ministry organization targeting of Littleton’s wife for his continued coverage of Revoice concerns at thirtypiecesofsilver.org .The Revoice movement is a broad public concern and threatens to split several denominations. The story exposing Revoice was first reported by Littleton and its deep infiltration in the SBC/ PCA and others -is not secret yet these leaders are determined to silence further exposure of it through whatever means possible .Why?


Gods Voice Conference in February 2019 was a very successful national conference promoting the Biblical message and opposing Revoice “LGBTQ+ Thriving” in conservative churches. That success was in spite of months of effort by the TGC senior pastor and staff coordinated to discredit this writer (Thomas Littleton) and prevent any other area leaders from participation .

* The TGC church associate pastor compiled a 10 plus page “dossier” /file of writings from his uninformed searches on the internet. This dossier was passed on to the TGC senior pastor for distribution claiming they were authored by Littleton.


The cut and pasted writings  in fact were NOT from Littleton or the  website thirtypiecesofsilver.org but were from links followed by the associate  pastor on one third party website to yet another  website -where he then cut and pasted  writings of another author and passed them off as (this writer ) Littleton’s . The SENIOR Pastor then distributed the “dossier” while calling associates of Littleton in God’s Voice Conference  into meetings concerning Littleton- distributing the false  dossier -and attempting to debunk -God Voice Conference. The TGC  Pastor has NEVER discussed these concerns or anything WITH Littleton – has never been willing to meet with Littleton but took the files and discussed the writings in detail to discredit Littleton .

*Again The writings were not by Littleton . But put forth to discredit him.

*Once exposed no effort was made to correct the matter – no meetings with Littleton were made- and the only attempt at Apology was by the associate pastor who compiled them which was framed as”I am sorry I was wrong about the website but it still reflects your views so I was right in what I did”.

*  Once exposed -the TGC church associate pastor refused to repent or offer any assurance that he would cease and desist from such libelous efforts . He also refused to offer a simple unqualified apology- even though his and the TGC Church staffs collusion in this effort was to discredit Littleton and negatively impact God’s Voice Conference.

*The church associate Pastor has admitted to compiling the false dossier in the church office and on church time . So he was actually being paid by the TGC church to undertake the effort to discredit Littleton .

*The current efforts to attack Littleton’s wife are being carried out by the brother of this TGC Church staffer . The brother had also assisted on the effort with the false dossier before God’s Voice Conference and has used the office time of the ministry which employs him to target Littletons wife while she is on that ministry- his employers- Board.

*The senior Pastor never made any attempt to  contact Littleton or to apologize for the false accusations or his distribution of the false dossier .


This author broke the national story of Revoice “LGBTQ + Thriving  in historic Christian Churches ” in May of 2018 . Littleton’s story was covered by dozens of programs after being first exposed on Brannon Howse Worldview Weekend and then in expanded coverage on Janet Mefferd of Dallas TX programs on Bott Radio and American Family Radio. Mefferd helped promote and participated in the God’s Voice Conference which offers the message of transformation through the Gospel and the Blood of Christ . God’s Voice Conference refutes The Gospel Coalition , Revoice and Rethink messages of  sexual orientation and Christian “gay” identity in LGBTQ+.

You can view the speakers and see/hear testimonies of people whose lives were totally transformed by the power of the Gospel and the blood of Jesus  here:





The God’s Voice Conference was held in Oklahoma City at Fairview Baptist Church on February 22nd and 23rd . It was a joyful celebration of testimonies. The word was proclaimed and Gospel hope offered to hurting people and families. Vimeo /Livestream retaliated by taking down the host church livestream channel and much of the church own sermons were lost along with the livestream of God’s Voice Conference. The videos linked above were from the videographer hired by the Conference .

But Vimeo were not the only powers that sought to censor God’s Voice Conference. This leading TGC Church in Alabama was determined to do the same.


Many SBC and ERLC ties exist to Revoice which this author has detailed in research articles at this site dating back to early May 2018 and on radio and Christian television interviews and podcast regionally, nationally and internationally . These concerns which are shared by many thousands of believers  – were not a secret and yet SBC and TGC efforts to “contain ” these issues have continued. Littleton is SBC and has twice taken these Revoice concerns to the annual SBC Convention where they have been ignored and buried . The movement is still allowed to operate in the SBC with no meaningful effort to stop it from leadership. Most- if not all -of THOSE leaders are also affiliated with the TGC. The TGC church in Alabama fighting Littleton is NOT an SBC church. Most of the SBC resistance to Littland others exposing Revoice has come from Russell Moore/ The ERLC .


Revoice  LGBTQ+ concerns first made their way into PCA circles when PCA teaching elder evangelist and church planter Al Baker heard an interview with this writer and Janet Mefferd on the TGC church radio station which carried  Mefferds AFR program Janet Mefferd Live .

PCA’s Covenant Theological Seminary students, graduates and professors promoted /participated in Revoice . Baker  investigated Revoice and wrote an article  published by Aquila Report which went viral among as yet  uninformed PCA circles .Those concerns carried through  from May 2018 to the PCA General Assembly of 2019 in June and continue as the  front page issue in the PCA ,as it threatens to split the denomination .

Baker’s Revoice concerns article :

Queer Culture in the PCA?

News spread quickly of the upcoming  LGBTQ+ Identity / Gay Christian Revoice Conference to be held in July 2018 hosted by a PCA church. Al Baker had appeared on the Mefferd program and then spoke at God’s Voice Conference.


Gods Voice Conference (GVC) was  held on the weekend of February 22nd -23 and then speakers traveled home on the Sunday the 24th 2019  .Following the  GVC on Monday four members of the TGC church contacted this author after Mefferd’s program did not air in its normal noon time slot . They had hoped to hear some follow up, reports and excerpts from the conference. Mefferd’s program was no longer aired –  In fact a pdf already posted in February linked on the TGC church radio page of  it’s website titled “March Programing Schedule ” already had Mefferd’s program aired from American Family Radio  removed and a short program of the TGC Church pastor in it’s time slot. The remaining time was filled by other programing.

The TGC church programing manager responded to inquires when the Mefferd program was not restored . Those who made inquiry were told Mefferd’s program was removed “because of a complaint “. Mefferd’s popular program has not been restored to the schedule as of this writing .

From the TGC Church Website –

“**** is affiliated with the Moody Radio Network and American Family Radio”

The March  programing update posted in mid February link is now dead

Click to access ****-Brochure_Mar19_web.pdf


Word has come to this writer from several sources that another AFR  female Christian talk host has been told to stay away from Littleton and his  associates who are also exposing these same TGC /LGBTQ+ / Justice compromise and concerns .

Still the “word is out ” about the Revoice /LGBTQ+ infiltration and people are not stupid . Most Christians still think for themselves – but TGC affiliated Churches like this leading church in Birmingham Alabama seem to be unable to grasp this concept…  and show a willingness to resort to intimidation and backstabbing while threatening women and attempting to divide husbands and wives . It is fair to say they appear to be willing to stop at nothing to silence opposition . BUT opposition to what? God’s VOICE  vs the message of Revoice that is coming out of CTS and SBTS ?


Exactly what is the problem here if NOT that some deep complicity with Revoice LGBTQ+ movement DOES exist .As far as the origins of both Revoice and TGCs position on LGBTQ+ – they are exactly the same :Mark Yarhouse and the APA.

Littleton’s wife was targeted again this past Monday as recorded in the previous article. The pastor of this TGC church is fully aware and totally ignoring these actions and the behavior of his staff and a ministry leader on his campus . The TGC pastor has never responded to the revelations about his pastoral staffers plots against Littleton or the TGC Elder who first targeted his wife BY asking for a private meeting in which he would not agree to her husband being present . The TGC pastor has NEVER responded to that same Elders bizarre behavior  IN PUBLIC at a funeral / memorial service at The Church Brook Hills an SBC congregation . In short the TGC Leadership Council member pastor from this TGC church  in Birmingham Alabama has done NOTHING TO STOP ANY of these efforts and has in fact participated in many of them HIMSELF .


Who is he ? Very soon his opportunity to provide leadership and redemption in these situations and the long 4 year history will expire .

Excerpt on this past Monday’s meeting further targeting Littleton’s wife :

“This writer – agreed with his wife – who was up to the  task – to allow them ( the Board of the ministry whose director was targeting her at the TGC church ) to force this effort to play out AND allow her to be in the room with TEN MEN who had been informed AGAINST her husband while he was “required” to sit outside the room. This writer left the room/meeting only after expressing support for his wife and the understanding that she was NOT to be subjected to any of the kind of abusive actions of the previous week . The elder of the TGC church who had first targeted her was NOT in the meeting nor have his bizarre and inappropriate actions been confronted or addressed to date. The current TGC church elder taking charge of the Monday meeting agreed NOT to act inappropriately but allowed his own anger to manifest on multiple occasions as he demanded answers about her husband’s ministry and did not like the response . Her general response was ” He is right out there (pointing to  both the IRONY  and the door) why don’t you ask him ?He and those others responsible for targeting this writer’s wife need not expect a chance at a repeat performance with such unbiblical efforts.”


Does the Body of Christ have a right to access information outside the approved TGC loop?

Depends on who you ask.

THIS TGC Church says NO you do not!!!

The current Thirty Pieces of Silver (TPoS) article causing the latest “TGC Church retaliation” is  from June 30th 2019. It  reviews the story of the Revoice movement and the PCA annual General Assembly .

Hundreds of thousands share the concerns expressed in the TPoS piece yet The TGC Church appears to be willing to go to extreme measures to “contain” it -even though the concerns are very broad among many conservative Christians. The  sad reality of what happened next and what is yet to unfold  is still sinking in on this writer and his wife as TGC “Containment ” efforts include the SERPENTS BUSINESS  to attempt to come between a woman and her husband. This God ordained covering is central to the family and the priesthood of the home . NO Biblical authority  exist for a pastor , an elder , or a body of elders or board of ANY KIND  to  attempt to extended  their authority around a husband   to TARGET the WIFE .

This demonic activity is NOT to be tolerated by anyone .

Genesis 3 :1

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, has God said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”


Isaiah 5:

13 Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.

14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.

15 And the mean man shall be brought down, and the mighty man shall be humbled, and the eyes of the lofty shall be humbled:

16 But the Lord of hosts shall be exalted in judgment, and God that is holy shall be sanctified in righteousness.

17 Then shall the lambs feed after their manner, and the waste places of the fat ones shall strangers eat.

18 Woe unto them that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin as it were with a cart rope:

19 That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw nigh and come, that we may know it!

20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:

23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!

24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

25 Therefore is the anger of the Lord kindled against his people, and he hath stretched forth his hand against them, and hath smitten them: and the hills did tremble, and their carcases were torn in the midst of the streets. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

26 And he will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly:



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